Spam Singles for George Curtis


Chris Allingham

Staff member
This photo goes out to TVWBB member George Curtis...who likes SPAM. Saw this at Walmart today and thought of you, George...for the times when all a guy needs is a single thick slice of SPAM. :D

There are times you’re just not in the mood to share the deliciousness of SPAM® Classic. We don’t blame you. For those occasions, and any that demand sheer convenience, there’s already cooked SPAM® Singles. Perfect for a quick snack or in a sandwich, you probably shouldn’t leave home without one.

Seriously, why not just buy the whole can? Sheesh.

I remember eating it as a kid Chris, and I still wonder why. I have heard that in Hawaii they can't get enough of the stuff. Must be the salt air. Of course, some of the things we were given to eat as kids we hate today. Maybe the next challenge should be grilled or smoked Spam. Tongue buried deep in cheek.
I have great memories of fried Spam or Treet when camping with my father. The smell of frying Spam with the overtones of burning Coleman fuel and fried eggs with potatoes. Better days!
I actually have that flashback when I touch off a Coleman lantern now. I think I will lay in a couple of cans, Just because!
Ok guys, I will give it another try. After all, it has been probably 55 years. I will report back. Not a hater just bad memories growing up.
I occasionally break down and buy a can of SPAM, like once every 5 years. I slice it and fry it. The outside gets a little crispy and the inside gets even softer than before it went into the pan. But it takes 5 years for me to get the urge again. :)
Can't say I love SPAM but I like it a lot. My favorite way to eat it is SPAM Musubi. I even have a slicer like an egg slicer but its used for cans of SPAM and it work great!
I smoked some once. Turned out fantastic! My wife was eating it and said how good it was. She didn't even know what is was. She finally said "is this spam"?
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with Spam. It's really an asset, sometimes, to have canned meat available. I spent my time in the military and have done LOTS of camping when it has been a real asset.

Keep on smokin',
I came this close to buying a can of spam this past weekend, but I got that roast that I made into lunch meat and called it good. I need my spam fix, it's been way too long

