Salsa Wings with Costco things


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Everything was from Costco.
Frozen wings over Kbb, and lump.



Large mushrooms stuffed with bacon pieces, and topped with provel cheese (the cheese is a St Louis thing)




Left 'em naked to stay crisp.
I used warmed salsa for my dipping sauce.



Good stuff!
If this is Mateo's medium, not sure I could handle the hot!

Happy Hump Day everyone!
That is a nice looking plate , bob. Your photographs are so sharp and the wings look dynamite. Nice post.
Perfect Dinner Bob!
Everything looks EXCELLENT!

I had to look up this special St Louie cheese... knowing it ....well.
This is what I found:
"Provel was invented specifically for St. Louis-style pizza more than a half-century ago by the downtown firm Costa Grocery (now Roma Grocery on the Hill, a primarily Italian St. Louis neighborhood), in collaboration with the Hoffman Dairy Company of Wisconsin."

Hah! I kinda thought Wisconsin, America's Dairyland, has/had something to do with it...

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Wonderful wings, magnificent mushrooms, and fantastic fotos, Bob!:)

Love viewing all of your cooks!

Thanks for sharing.
These Wings looks very tasty from here! I would eat half of these. And for a while I wanted more ... and more ...
We can see your experience and the right choice of DOF.
Really nice my friend;)
You did great your pics..we go thru about a bag a week of those Costco wings..easy and cheap..try soaking them in road side..little smoke..we love em! I'm going to try those shrooms!

Nice work buddy!
Great stuff, Bob! You throw those wings on frozen? I like that easy-peasy style.

Love the naked wings, and putting them in a dipping sauce. You're a trend-setter :D

