Didja tip him?
Do you fix things that have become unraveled?So, I thought that I was tired after driving 1350 miles last week doing my raveling customer service rep gig.
[h=1]Thread: Random thoughts/Off topic/Last post wins[/h]What does the last post win?
How about something for the dinner table?[h=1]Thread: Random thoughts/Off topic/Last post wins[/h]What does the last post win?
Note to self, the next time you catch a stink bug in the house, don't think it would be fun to wash it down the drain and turn on the disposal.
I'm sure he died laughing at the scent he sent up to me.
Note to self, the next time you catch a stink bug in the house, don't think it would be fun to wash it down the drain and turn on the disposal.
I'm sure he died laughing at the scent he sent up to me.
I got a shot of this pretty green stinker last year.
Thanks, I think, Cliff.Only you Bob, could transform a "Stinker" into a lovely art piece! I'm still trying to get my head around grinding one of those things up in the kitchen disposal.