


TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I'm enjoying the Santa Maria but.....It's shady between my house and my neighbor's house, so I've been running the Santa Maria there, close to the fence. A week or so ago, I made pizza on the Santa Maria, and it rained (hailed) during the cook (see below)


Well...since it rained, I didn't bother moving the Santa Maria away from the fence, and I left it unattended for the remainder of the night. The next morning I woke up to a strong smell of smoke and the flickering of light. I looked out my window to see the fence fully ablaze...

This weekend, I tore down what didn't burn down and started putting up a new fence. The old fence needed replacing and my neighbor and I were planning replacing it in the Fall. They're gone on vacation, so I think that worked out well that they didn't see the fence burning up, LOL


All that remains


The only way to make such an adventure even better is for it to be 105+ degrees, which is has been since burning the fence down... Can you say big fat roots roots along the fence line?


None the less, still getting some cooks in on the Santa Maria, and yes.....Ashes are not being left unattended...



OMG Chuck!!! I'm so glad that the only thing lost was the fence. How'd the phone call breaking the news to the neighbor go?
Hahahahaha!!!! So, they're just gonna come home to a nice, new fence none-the-wiser? Hope they're not on this forum, too. Hahahaha!!!

Good one Dan! Glad that it stopped at the fence Chuck, this story could have been a lot worse.
Yikes! Close call. Glad it was just the fence. Tri tip din-din looks fabulous.
Dude, you lucked out! I see a metal lid for the Santa Maria in your future.

Oh... the cooks look super. Any cedar planks in the fence?
Thank goodness it was only the fence. The neighbor will be curious, but he will benefit from the "upgrade".
Did you consider metal for the replacement fence?
I should have gotten the corrugated steel panels :)

Dude, you lucked out! I see a metal lid for the Santa Maria in your future. Oh... the cooks look super. Any cedar planks in the fence?
Good idea, can I place my order? One that doubles as a lid and griddle :) All the cedar in the old fence was pretty much rotted. That was the original fence built by the home builder. The 4x4's weren't even in cement and the 2x4's were the on cedar and if you looked at them funny they simply crumbled away. I'm building one to last: 8' pressure treated 4x4's and 8' pressure treated 2x4's. The planks will be 7' redwood. I'm putting the 4x4's 18" into the ground, and unlike the builder, I'm using cement. I've got two sunk and cemented, I hoped to be further along, but it was blasting hot this past weekend and I have massive roots to deal with...
Glad it turn out the way it did Chuck and not worse. Building that new fence sounds like a tuff project with the roots and temps. We hit 108 yesterday here in the mountains, some places in the Phoenix areas hit 122.
Chuck you have the luck. By the way your cook looked fsntastic.
Roots are much better than rocks, I forgot how close the houses are in your area. Looks like you are doing a good job,great way to lose weight,melt It off.....
What the chickens weren't on fire watch?:) I'm glad it was just the fence Chuck, it could have been much worse.

