New source for grates and flavorizors

Nice work Jon. They appear to be nice quality Bars.

Liking the plug for Imgur as well :)


Yeah, so far I am impressed with Imgur on my PC. Having trouble getting it to work on my iPad. It keeps pushing you to the app and after I loaded that all it wanted to do is show me cat videos!
Question for those who bought the solid rods like myself, I had casually looked them over appeared great then today I thoroughly inspected them and I can post a picture but on a few of the rods there are definitely marks on a few of them deep enough so they are not smooth can feel the indentations so its not a surface thing anyone else have that issue maybe a bad set. I just replied to an email they sent from Amazon and made them aware of the issue with mine.
The more nickle there is in stainless the less magnetic it is. There are some very high quality magnetic stainless compounds however. Look for instance at high quality German stainless steel knives. You'll see many chefs keeping them on a magnetic rack. They don't however rust/corrode even if handled badly. I am witness to that as I hate to say how many times I have used my Henkel knives and forgotten to clean it and other than needing a good scrub to get the crusties off they're perfect. Now my carbon steel knives I have to clean constantly even while in use or they'll turn black or rust while you watch. Also high quality stainless pans would not work if used on induction cooktops if they were non magnetic. So while high nickle content is a sign of quality SS it's not the only way to make hih quality. But yes it is very easy to check and is a good indicator.
Hi Brian,

I recently picked up a black 2008 E-320 locally for $80 that needed new grates (and everything else for that matter), and found this forum when looking for advice and recommendations. Naturally I was a week or so late to the sale and missed the deals but figured $60 was still a great deal and ordered a set from Amazon.

They arrived the next day, I washed them with warm soapy water trying to clean of a black smudge on one of them, but no luck. I wasn't too worried about it, but when I laid them side by side I noticed one of the bars on end of a grate was bowed/bent enough for me to send them back.

Instead of looking elsewhere I had Amazon send another set and they are in perfect condition - no marks or bends on any of the bars so I'm quite happy (other than the fact that I haven't used them yet).

I'm kicking myself for not taking a "before" picture of my grill. Since getting this grill two weeks ago I've added these grates, RCP flavorizers, a new igniter, new burners, control knobs, sprayed the bottom of the cabinet with Rust Reformer, and gave it a pretty thorough cleaning.

Previous owner said a friend gave it to him, and the side burner never worked - so when I got it home I actually connected the gas line to it .... and it fired up on the third push of the igniter.

I have about $300 into this grill, and feel pretty good about this thing providing years of happy grilling.

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The more nickle there is in stainless the less magnetic it is. There are some very high quality magnetic stainless compounds however. Look for instance at high quality German stainless steel knives. You'll see many chefs keeping them on a magnetic rack. They don't however rust/corrode even if handled badly. I am witness to that as I hate to say how many times I have used my Henkel knives and forgotten to clean it and other than needing a good scrub to get the crusties off they're perfect. Now my carbon steel knives I have to clean constantly even while in use or they'll turn black or rust while you watch. Also high quality stainless pans would not work if used on induction cooktops if they were non magnetic. So while high nickle content is a sign of quality SS it's not the only way to make hih quality. But yes it is very easy to check and is a good indicator.

It's kind of funny how we value corrosion resistance in some products more than others isn't it? Like you I have carbon steel kitchen knives that I love that require extra care in that department. But they are so easy to sharpen and hold an edge so well it's worth it to me. Same thing with cast iron cookware. It takes extra care in seasoning and cleaning but to me it's worth it due to the product longevity and ease of cleanup. My brother hates both and doesn't understand why we would use something that has to be thoroughly dried off after each use.

It just comes down to the functionality and what we value most in a product I guess.
I used a CI skillet for many years. It was a Griswold and was wonderful for cooking. I never worried about it rusting either. I could leave it wet, leave it with water in it for day or whatever. But it was seasoned so well that it never rusted. I got rid of it a couple years ago due to getting tired of the weight. It was just cumbersome to work with. Some times I regret letting it go, but I am still good with it. I still have a little 4-5" CI fry pan that I can do a couple eggs in.
We love our cast iron cookware generally do our shrimp and fish blackened so it is the perfect cookware to do that. I am not allowed to touch that pan it was a gift from my wife's grandmother its probably 80 years old. My wife takes care of the maintenance on it and really as long as you keep up with it not a problem.

Last time I used it which was a long time ago I had put it in the sink after cooking put some dawn in it and filled it with water to let it soak, the wife came home and gave me a stern lecture on never ever filling it with water and leaving it in the sink. :)
Bruce that's impressive that you had your Griswold that well seasoned. Among cast iron experts Griswold is generally considered the best followed by lodge and wagner.

The weight is certainly something to consider. It doesn't bother me (yet). But my wife has a little trouble with our bigger 12 inch skillet and has me lift it for her. If the weight becomes an issue carbon steel is similar to cast iron but lighter. Hope that doesn't happen though we've grown to love our old cast iron stuff.

We just haven't found anything that comes close to cast iron. Stainless can be a nightmare to clean post cooking compared to cast iron. Non stick cookware works well but isn't durable and a lot of experts say it isn't safe due to toxins in the coating. And neither sears food as well as cast iron.

Brian both my grandmother's cooked in cast iron. I would love to have one of their skillets but they are long gone. You guys are lucky to have a functional family heirloom like that.
We also love our cast iron and we used them a lot. In the kitchen we have two 12" and one 10" plus two Dutch ovens for bread making. Out side I have a Dutch oven and a 10"pan. One of the 12" Ci is seasoned so well Barb can fry eggs in it and just tilt the pan and the eggs will slide right onto the plate.
They are getting heavier it seems every year. I just wish the 12" pans had the handle tab at the front of the pan like all the 10" pans have, would make it so much easier to pick it up..
Rich i don't have any experience with it but I've been told carbon steel has all of cast iron's wonderful qualities but is considerably lighter. Lodge makes a line of it (carbon steel).
I agree Greg and Larry, I really like our cast iron pans and Dutch ovens but they are heavy. My arthritis in my wrists is starting to tell me look for something lighter. The carbon steel seems to have the same qualities of CI but a lot lighter. I can handle the DOs okay but the skillets not so much.
Heard back form QLIMETAL Representative

I heard back from the Qlimetal representative who had me do the Amazon review of the Genesis 300 (front to back) flavorizer bars. He thanked me for the review and also said that they would be thinking about adding the 13-bar classic Genesis flavorizer bars.

He also said that before the next promotion comes out that he would let me know and that I could share with everyone:cool:!
He also said that before the next promotion comes out that he would let me know and that I could share with everyone:cool:!
I've emailed him about discount promotions.

If he's interested in doing a forum-only promotion, he needs to run that by me first. On the other hand, if he's offering a public discount, it's fine for any of you to post that here so all can use it.

