Hi Brian,
I recently picked up a black 2008 E-320 locally for $80 that needed new grates (and everything else for that matter), and found this forum when looking for advice and recommendations. Naturally I was a week or so late to the sale and missed the deals but figured $60 was still a great deal and ordered a set from Amazon.
They arrived the next day, I washed them with warm soapy water trying to clean of a black smudge on one of them, but no luck. I wasn't too worried about it, but when I laid them side by side I noticed one of the bars on end of a grate was bowed/bent enough for me to send them back.
Instead of looking elsewhere I had Amazon send another set and they are in perfect condition - no marks or bends on any of the bars so I'm quite happy (other than the fact that I haven't used them yet).
I'm kicking myself for not taking a "before" picture of my grill. Since getting this grill two weeks ago I've added these grates, RCP flavorizers, a new igniter, new burners, control knobs, sprayed the bottom of the cabinet with Rust Reformer, and gave it a pretty thorough cleaning.
Previous owner said a friend gave it to him, and the side burner never worked - so when I got it home I actually connected the gas line to it .... and it fired up on the third push of the igniter.
I have about $300 into this grill, and feel pretty good about this thing providing years of happy grilling.