Jon kinda off on the same place you are at, mine should be here tomorrow but these things look really nice and for under 30 bucks really is hard to justify the RC stuff this set will go on the 2nd restore which is a keeper.
Funny thing is in the ATL I got the RC used grates on craigslist down to the price I wanted he was out of town cannot pick them up till next weekend but not really sure I want them now. I mean how much am I going to gain these things look pretty nice.
Got mine today and compared them to the original Weber grates I have at home. They look very similar to the grates from Weber. Both are 7mm thick. But the Qulimetal grates are few ounces heavier and not magnetic. The Weber weigh about 4lb ans 15 ounces. The Qulimetal ones slightly above 5lbs. My kitchen scale tops out at around 5lbs with an error message.
I think at the price after coupon they are a great deal. If they will not rust they are way better than the original Weber.
You cannot even get the crappy channel formed grates at this price.
New ones on the left, old ones on the right.
On the grill the look almost identical except the rust on the old ones. New ones on the right.
These grates and bars won't fit the new Genesis II series grill and AFAIK, Qulimetal doesn't make sets for them yet (I haven't seen any). The only aftermarket SS grates that I've seen for the new Genesis II grills (so far) are the ones from Stanbroil...
Also, you may want to check Lowes yet because I think the Genesis grills are still selling for half off. Most stores don't list the sale price though, you actually have to purchase the item and the sale price should pop up. If it doesn't then just tell them you changed your mind and don't want to purchase it. You'll need to read into this forum for more info...
Good Luck!