I just tried the code and it was not validI tried to order a set of flavorizer bars for my Silver B Genesis
I just tried the code and it was not validI tried to order a set of flavorizer bars for my Silver B Genesis
I was able to use it to buy a set of grates and one set of their flavorizer bars that I also needed. It took $20 off. But, when I tried to do it again for one more set of grates only, the code did NOT work. Maybe my first impression was correct. I had Discover points, so the between them and the $20 off I got a set of grates and a set of bars for a total less than $50.
Just scored a set with $20 off code.
All of these companies have such a target audience here. That said, I am most happy that they don't know!
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And I do sales for a living!!!
It looks like the bars (7537) for the silver B style grills are out of stock even though they weren't discounted...is it the Bruce Effect?
Greg thanks for finding those, Sam ditto for the coupon code and JK thanks for the comparison. Just snagged a set of the grates for $29.95 the code will work for one set as someone said.
Hello, found this site while trying to determine my options for my 1st Weber. Any help in figuring how my grates would be needed for which models?
Thinking Genesis 310 or 410 depending on what I can find end of year deal.
I see I missed Lowe's.
If the last Home Depot e610 hangs around long enough, maybe it will go down.
I wanted an SE model for SS grates, but thinking if these work, I have more options.
I can't figure out of the 3 models have the same size, just more grates, or if actually different.