My New Years Eve cooking!


Morgan C.

TVWBB Diamond Member
Howdy folks and happy 2014!! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and happy holidays!! Been lying low taking a break lately!! Still cooking and lurking but just not posting !

Decided to break in my red head in last night with a little prime rib...6.5 lbs 3 bone, hit it with salt and pepper and a garlic herb rub and wrapped it in the fridge over night!

Here is the red head completed!

Roast all ready for the fridge!

Broke out the red and fired her up with my charcoal rails I have not used in years.

Roast on with some hickory!

Crazy how the lid turned a dark red after heated up!

Oysters on the performer for snacks!! Fresh shucked with the Drago's recipe found here on the site!! Good stuff!!

Roast humming along!

After exactly two hours it hit 130...just about what I was figuring..have no idea what the lid temp was ...I opened the vents all the way and after about 30 minutes i closed them down a bit and left it alone!
Off and resting!

Little more done than I like but I wasn't just cooking for myself don't ya know!

All served up with mashed taters, steamed carrots, gravy, French bread..yummy stuff!! Best prime rib I've had in a bit!

All right folks!! Take care happy new year too all you wonderful folks!! Looking forward to some kick butt cooking in 2014!!
Now that is how to kick start 2014.... Love the Redhead it turned out great and the roast looks sooooo juicy... Thanks Morgan and may you and your family have a great 2014.
You done real good there bud, the Red Head, the Roast and the plate. Very well done. Happy New Year to you and your family
Sweet redhead and fantastic looking dinner. I need to give that Drago's recipe a try soon. Have a happy 2014!
Nice plateful Morgan. Rib roast is always great. Have a prosperous New Year, by the way did you ever get that buck? Just wondering
Awesome looking meal Morgan. Would love one of those plates in front of me right now!! Happy New Year!!

