My kitchen is a mess


S.T. Sandhu

New member
I've had a WSM 18.5" for 2 years now, but most of the time I use my Smokey Joe Mini. I've done a reasonable amount of smoking over this time, perhaps 40-50 cooks.
My problem is that I make just as big a mess now as when I first started. Before, my wife would complain, but now it's bugging me too.
We have a kitchen counter that's 4' x 8', and it's often full of dirty dishes etc. Sometimes I'll use 4-5 plates and pans, multiple knives just for a simple cook.
Judging by the presentations in the photo gallery, some of the members here are very organized and neat. Any suggestions on being more organized and using less dishes etc, are welcome!
Put the pots, pans & plates on the floor, let the dog lick them clean. Call it good :)
If you haven't dog use plastic badin to collect all dirty stuff. Later was by yourself all that stuff and you never heard your wifey more! For me it works!
If you get all your rubs pre-made and in shaker bottles it will make your life a lot easier.

Use sheet trays or aluminum catering pans for prep, transport, service, etc. Wash, or toss the disposable ones. Ez game.
Try some paper plates like Chinet. Use 1 or 2 knives max. Work and prepare simply.
Make it a habit to clean up immediately after putting the meat in the mini.
I try to do everything in stages and when I make my rubs and sauces I do it a couple of days in advance so that the flavors get to know each other. The Lady of the House and I have a deal, if one is cooking the other is cleaning and we work as a team. Another tip is to have everything in front of you before starting such as all of your spices, oils and vegetables - Mise en Place Approach. A final tip is when measuring always measure the dry items before the wet items. Most importantly HAVE fun!
Yup - mise en place is the secret. Plus I frequent the restaurant auctions and pick up "hotels" (SS pans with lids) as these are perfect for BBQ.
We clean as we go, if Barb is preparing a dish I will clean and wash and put away whatever it is she using right when she gets done with it. Pre mix all our rubs and sauces, marinades etc the day before we make our dish. When the dish is being cooked the only dirty items are what's needed to prepare the dish. Wash all the dishes right after the meal. We never go to bed with a sink full of dirty dishes, so each day starts out fresh.
I have found that when I tried to do everything myself....rubs, sauces, meats....the messier my kitchen gets because of all the dishes, etc. By finding and using store bought or ready made rubs and sauces, that it really helps keep things alot more simple for me.

Now...if I could keep the wife from yelling at me for having a refrigerator shelf of just BBQ sauces, then I'd be in business. Haha. :)
Clean up as you go, put things in the dishwasher etc.
Make up your rubs before you need them, I'll usually make a 4-500g batch each time so I have a stash of rubs ready to go.

I like to think I'm relatively tidy and organised when it comes to prep and cooking. My girlfriend on the other hand is terrible, whenever she bakes a cake it's like a tornado has hit the kitchen, icing sugar can usually be found covering most surfaces.
I have found that when I tried to do everything myself....rubs, sauces, meats....the messier my kitchen gets because of all the dishes, etc. By finding and using store bought or ready made rubs and sauces, that it really helps keep things alot more simple for me.

Now...if I could keep the wife from yelling at me for having a refrigerator shelf of just BBQ sauces, then I'd be in business. Haha. :)

Let me know when you're in "business" so I can take the same approach, I'm always being reminded how much rub is in the cupboard.
Do you have a neighbor that lives close by?
when they're not home use their kitchen...
use anything and everything and you'll have nothing to clean up :D
I have the same problem S.T. Although a lot of times I have rub premaid, I still end up with a mess. If I am doing ribs, I have the back film everywhere, and rub and plates and pans and......

Unfortunately I don't have anyone to help me, but I also don't have anyone to complain. So I just make a mess and clean it all when I get done
Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I'll put as many of them into practice as possible and I think things will get better!

