Map of cultural regions of the USA

Has me Chicago IL, Rockford IL and Aurora IL. Grew up in Chicago, have lived near Aurora at one point in my life and now in Rockford IL metro area. Have heard of drive through liquor but never saw one in real life
I’ve not seen them around here but, surprisingly, the first I saw was in Tennessee! Beer places come and go like that but, no liquor.
Took the quiz but I found it kind of difficult. I've spent significant time living in four very different regions of the country. Two of them more than long enough to have impacted my speech patterns. For instance, where I grew up carbonated beverages were "pop". Then I spent most of my adult years in a place where it was called "soda". Now I've returned to where I grew up but nobody calls it "pop" anymore. So I answered with the word I grew up with and on that basis they placed me a couple states over.

I've lived enough places to fairly quickly pick up on regional differences and adapt to the region so people could understand at least my words if not my accent. So when asked what I would call something I find myself wondering about which location I should use as a reference.
You guys/y'all should try this dialect quiz.

It ID-ed me down to the zip code I grew up in.

It put me in Omaha NE, Des Moines IA, or Rockford IL.

Wow...while I've never been to Omaha, I grew up just outside Rockford and went to college in Des Moines.
It put me in Omaha NE, Des Moines IA, or Rockford IL.

Wow...while I've never been to Omaha, I grew up just outside Rockford and went to college in Des Moines.
I thought a water fountain being called a bubbler would have nailed you.......unless you lied on that one. ;)
"Bubbler" is actually more of a Milwaukee/SE WI term; over here by Madison you're far more likely to hear "drinking fountain".

I answered the questions as if I was around 20 or so, before I moved "back" to WI. For example, nowadays I say "soda" but back then it was "pop".

I went back and re-took the test and answered "soda" this time. Interestingly, the questions *after* that answer changed and my 3 cities then changed to Rockford, Madison and Milwaukee, which is far more representative of the current version of me.
I got Ft. Worth, Arlington, and Little Rock. I guess that's close. I don't pronounce the H in huge or Houston and my wife makes fun of me for it. I think it's an East Texas thing. I was born in Beaumont, Tx. All soft drinks are "Cokes"

