

Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
about 4 pounds of top round seasoned and cured using this stuff


hickory wood for smoke... tried to keep the temp inside as low as possible...


4 racks (one below, 3 on top)... I managed to keep the temp as low as 140ºF...


the beef was on the WSM from 230pm to 530pm yesterday...
I then took the racks inside to finish the jerky in the dehydrator in our oven at 160ºF
It was in there until midnight. Packed it away in the fridge until this morning...
It's back in the dehydrator at 120ºF




sampled a few small pieces, it has a great smoky hickory flavour and is quite tasty :)
Thanks for stoppin' by!
Thanks guys:D
Cool jerky stack. What technique did you use to keep temp down?
Dwain, I used a smaller charcoal chamber than the 18"WSM comes with, made from expanded metal... about 8 inches in diameter... lit about 7 or 8 briquettes in the center then placed a few more unlit around them...
closing the bottom vents (sometimes all 3 all the way) and the hickory atop the lit.
Not scientific, but it worked ok yesterday. The winds were pretty strong from the east also...
Thanks guys:D
Dwain, I used a smaller charcoal chamber than the 18"WSM comes with, made from expanded metal... about 8 inches in diameter... lit about 7 or 8 briquettes in the center then placed a few more unlit around them...
closing the bottom vents (sometimes all 3 all the way) and the hickory atop the lit.
Not scientific, but it worked ok yesterday. The winds were pretty strong from the east also...

Cool. Cool. Cool.
...where are you going to buy Jerky like that?
Thanks James:) actually, there are a number of joints around here that make and sell OUTSTANDING jerky... Harry Hansen's Meat Service is my favourite and it's only 5 miles away...
A place in Slinger Wisconsin called HELD'S makes and sell the most interesting jerky, it's about a quarter inch thick yet soo chewy tasty and delicious!
Ray's Butcher Shoppe also makes some swell jerky, although inconsistent from batch to batch (IMO).
A co-worker's wife actually makes the BEST I've had.
Anyway, thanks again folks!
Multi-day cook? Nice! That's a labor of love. And it looks like it was well worth it.

