It's...a stew? a soup? Braised pork a la Brian


Brian Dahl

TVWBB Gold Member
Hi gang - It's always a happy day when Cindy grabs something out of the freezer and sez: let 'er rip. Saturday's meal came from our local carniceria: boneless pork leg. I'm not sure if it was shoulder or ham... I also didn't have meal plan; but it's been (relatively) cool and rainy so I went with a braise in the DO. I found a rub in Steve Raichlen's: Sauces, Rubs and Marinades. Here it is, dusted and resting

the red performer gets the call, everything lined up. Toasting the rub, getting the iron up to temp.

and everyone in, which included: onion, garlic, turnip, carrot, sliced cabbage, shrooms, thyme, sage ,leaf celery & stock. The Shiner was for me :)

almost three hours later

and dished up

It came out pretty good if I do say so myself. I was worried it may have been too salty, from both the rub and the stock; but nope - all good. I really like cooking in the DO, but I'm not a fan of the unappetizing color. It looks pretty good here, when I reheated leftovers yesterday, it was a lovely gray/brown :p Still tasted good! Have a great week everyone, Jonas participants enjoy the long weekend, and I'll see you around the fire.
Brian that looks delicious. I like cooking with CIDO or skillets, it just seams to add to the flavor of the food.
Looks real guud Brian. The CIDO gives everything a great flavor.
We fixed a veggie beef soup in the CIDO a few weeks back, one of the best we had made.
Looks amazing - and awesome touch with pumpkin(?) seeds at the end, creative and a personal favorite, extra credit! Thanks for sharing

ETA just saw your comment that they were delicata seeds, thanks for the clarification and info on how you cooked them

