It was fun while it lasted but have to change the life style.


Rich Dahl

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Well I won’t be posting a lot of cooks except in the heathy grilling threads at least for now.

Just got home from a three day two night stay courtesy of Medicare at the Yavapai Medical Centers Cardiac Care Unit. I’m now the proud owner of a stent in an artery that feeds my heart that was 90% blocked. Bad enough I was on a low salt diet for my BP, but now it’s the no fat, no cholesterol, no sodium, and no taste diet. Kinda puts a crimp in the BBQ, grilling cooks for sure.

Oh well everything went well no heart attack or heart damage and I’m feeling fine but Barb has put the short leash on me so no more fatty good tasting pulled pork, juicy well-marbled steaks, bacon wrapped whatever’s, cheesy good things.

I’m not giving up and Barb and I will learn some new ways to make tasty stuff on the grills and smokers that’s acceptable for my new diet and we will share the good and bad with our forum friends.

Just wanted to let you all know that it might be awhile before Barb and I post anything, but we will be watching and commenting on all the great things you guys do.
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Rich, you are one of the lucky ones. Too many don't get that 2nd chance at life. Make the best of it.
The salt, you will miss for awhile, but I now use more pepper to replace it. Eat healthy, and live the good life
my friend.
Glad to hear you're OK, Rich. There's plenty you can do on the Weber that is healthy and I'm looking forward to seeing what you cook up, once you're back to it.
How are the doctors with fish. Some of the best salmon we have had was done on the Performer. Used a cedar plank and it was great. Glad to hear you are doing well. Keep up the good fight.
Sorry to hear what you have been through Rich, I know it's hard to swallow, but as Bob said, you really are one of the lucky ones. You will recover and modify things a bit, move on and enjoy life. You are also lucky to have Barb to help you along and provide the support you need. Hang it there!
Glad your OK and a change in lifestyle/ eating habits is something we should all be aware of.
Getting a physical and a blood test yearly is important for all us older farts, and the young-ins.

I'm very glad they caught it before it got any worse.
Think it was those eggs? :p

I'm sure you and Barb will be cranking out lots of tasty AND healthy food off those grills in no time.
All of us here have your back brother!
I've said before we should all be posting more in the healthy cooks forum. Learning to cook and eat right sure beats the alternative.

CK out the Eat This Not That series of cookbooks. They really have some great tasting recipes without all the junk.

I look forward to seeing more healthy cooks from you guys. I think there's a bunch you can still eat and it'll all taste better on the Weber.
Glad to hear you're okay, Rich. We all have to make lifestyle changes as we age and there's still lots of healthy grilling options available to you. The way I look at it, as long as you're not limited to tofu & bean sprouts, life is good!
Besides chicken on the Performer tonight, I am also grilling asparagus. Veggies can taste really great on a grill. No oil or butter, just maybe olive oil and some other spices and no salt. The no salt is the part that would drive me nuts. You can do it and do it right and still make it taste great!!! With a good women beside you life is always good.
First I'm sorry to hear this, second, I'm happy to hear you're alright!

I'll email you a couple books----I struggle with my weight/diet/exercise/etc daily. PM me your email address.

Start with The China Study (I have the china study cookbook but I haven't even looked through it yet) - it's a lot easier to read than you think. I also have the audio book,,,,,I heard it before I read it.

And then The Starch Solution:

and read anything else you see from Dr McDougal, including his website.

You'll hear about the Rice Diet Cookbook (from the 50's).

I've read a whole lot about diet, exercise, & nutrition but I know very little.

I'm very interested in your (and my!) success.

edit:>>>>Forks over Knives might be a good place to start- it was streaming on Netflix last time I checked
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Yes,very glad you are okay!
Grilling is a great way to add flavor to anything! Fish,chicken,lean pork,veggies. The list is endless! You'll get it figured out and I'm looking forward to your posts in the "Healthy Grilling" section.
Hi there, we are sending good and positive vibes!! We are glad you are doing better. but don't fret because even our beloved Weber website has a decent amount of healthy recipes for example:

Weber Grills - Chicken and Mango Salad with Pomegranate Dressing(you will have to omit the salt)

Then there is always
Vegetarian smoked baked beans on the WSM
Smoked pork tenderloin
Motts apple juice in a can chicken

First things first, have a speedy recovery :)
Rich, I don't know if this will help or hurt. Back story: The boss only likes chicken or turkey breast (and veggies) ... nothing else. I eat a lot of grilled chicken as a result.

Today, I was introduced to the magic bullet. I was given a 'smoothie' which tasted and looked like a chocolate shake. It was good. Then I noticed my tongue turned green from the spinach!

Glad to hear you are doing well.
Glad to hear you're ok Rich. :)

Fish, chicken & veggies are great on the q.

Looks like the Healthy Grilling Forum is going to get a good work-out from the Dahl household!!

Speedy recovery Rich.
Thanks to all for the kind words and suggestions. I'm feeling good and looking forward to the new challenge. This is something I should have done long ago. Barb and I have been talking and we both have some good ideas on how to go forward and make the best of it and have some fun experimenting with low salt/fat but tasty dishes.
More to come and again thanks for the kind words and encouragement.
I know you & Barb will make the best of this. It's not a set back, it's simply a new gear to roll in

