I'm very proud of my son.


Tony R

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Yesterday was a beautiful day!!!!!

Had a few refreshments.


We did some ribs. Only trimmed the flap and removed the membrane. To lazy to cut into St. Louis cut.
Smoked with pecan wood at 245-265



Here it's plated. Ribs were good. A little over cooked.


This made my day. My son finally learned how to use his bike with no training wheels. Took 3 sessions of 1 hour so but on Sunday he told me that he wanted to practice more and for me to leave him alone.

I did it old school style. No helmet and long sleeve shirt in case he falls.

Here are 2 Instagram videos.



Thanks for stopping by.

Tony and Maribel
Tony. You gotta be proud of the boy. I admire you for teaching you son things old school. It never hurt us, we are a dying breed my friend. Btw saw that potato down in the underrack. Great cook.

Don't lift the lid...
Great job on the cook T, and I remember those days with my four. Very cool.

Oh yea, lift that seat up for him it is too low, will make it hard for him to get comfortable and pedal right
Tony those ribs look really good. I got three kids through the training wheel to bike transition and it was always really neat. Congrats. I remember when I learned to ride a bike my cousin would push the bike up to speed and then I would crash until I learned to keep it upright. No training wheels!
Great looking meal, congrats on showing your son how to ride a bike, the seat looks a little low.
Congrads Tony! I got a 5 year old little girl trying to get rid of the training wheels, so I am hoping she learns quickly.
Congrats to your boy. Congrats to you also for not being the over protective parents we have today.
Great job on the cook T, and I remember those days with my four. Very cool.

Oh yea, lift that seat up for him it is too low, will make it hard for him to get comfortable and pedal right

I tried but he said he likes it low. So I'm letting him get comfortable and them I will adjust without telling him.
Congrats to your boy. Congrats to you also for not being the over protective parents we have today.

He was crying at first saying that he didn't want to get hurt but I told him that he would get any lower than the floor. I promised him I wouldn't let him get hurt. When he assumed I was holding him he was riding by himself.
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Nice looking ribs!!! I never cut ribs St Louis style, I prefer them whole. Congrats to your son too!!!
Great looking ribbage, and congrats on the bike riding. That is my goal for my oldest this spring.

PS: Nice shoes in that first pic.
Nice cook Tony and that brought back a lot of memories from long ago. Just recently I was in Cali watching my son teach his boy how to ride without the training wheels. Enjoy it the time will fly by!

