I saw something today that will BLOW YOUR MIND!

Weber are going to be fitting their kettles with an accurate thermometer. And being loyal customers, who have registered a grill, we can all claim one for free? :unsure:
Edit: Whatever it is I'm sure it will be designed to relieve me of a few beer-tokens. :rolleyes:
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Lets have it......I have been waiting for like........ever!!!!

Automatic feed charcoal bbq with electronic heat controls.
New toaster that makes only grilled cheese.
Calorie free deep fryer.
Chocolate covered grasshoppers.
The results for my federal election on September 20th. This would be nice, our PM wants to change Canada a to socialist country.
This doesn't sit well with me, so if you haven't noticed he dissolved parliament and now we have an election. Let's not get started on this one....
Chickens that have extra wings on them.
Rain proof kettles.
It has to be good because blow your mind was in caps.....just sayin.
I am hoping its a Thermapen Two where it jumps out of your hand into the meat gives you a reading on my iphone then when I tell Siri for it to jump back into my hand it does. :):):)
ummm, i think weber has a gravity feed cooker. . . aint that what those pooping pellet things are??
I don't think they poop very well unless you stir the poop after a number of hours on a long cook I know what Chuck is talking about not going to happen need to get the first pooper squared away first and IMO the mass market for the gravity fed charcoal cookers are not there yet. Maybe never but who knows.
OK, here is something we can do to help pass the time. :D

Chris was last seen here at 3:01 PM today (8/24/21). Let's see who can come the closes to guessing what day and time Chris will visit us again.

Just add your name and time to the list:

Joan - 10:32 PM tonight

