How many clocks did you set back today?


Erik Tracy

Well, so much for that extra hour of 'sleep' up at my usual time, made a fresh pot of coffee and shuffled around the house setting back all of my 'dumb' clocks.

I counted 7 (not including my truck outside).

Stove, 2 microwaves, coffee pot, 7 day thermostat, truck (car is parked for the winter.) The rest of the house is all on an NTP time source, that includes 6 servers, 2 Roku streamers, 2 flat panel displays (& the rest of the entertainment stuff.)
Much of what you mentioned should reset automatically. I only needed to do my clock radio, and my coffee pot. Everything else is connected to the internet (including our new RAV4) and resets automatically based on time zone it's in
Just the stove and microwave. Everything else resets on its own. Except my car - it's always DST in my car.
Kitchen clock, microwave, stove, coffee pot, 2 thermostats, 2 bedroom clocks, 2 cars, cordless phone system, sprinkler timer, Garmin in one car. Ipads, PC's, phones, TiVos all did it automatically.
Kitchen clock, microwave, stove, coffee pot, 2 thermostats, 2 bedroom clocks, 2 cars, cordless phone system, sprinkler timer, Garmin in one car. Ipads, PC's, phones, TiVos all did it automatically.
Achhhh...I forgot about the sprinkler timer! Thanks for listing yours out!

I did microwave, stove, coffee maker, a decorative chicken clock in the kitchen, downstairs bedroom clock, upstairs study, master bedroom clock radio.
3 DVD/VCRs, 2 clock radios, 1 DVR, 1 stove, and 1 car with another and the truck to do tomorrow/whenever.

Since the microwave and the stove are right next to each other I only set the stove.
Wall clock
Clock on media center
My truck
Pammi's car
Forgot to do my work truck, so I get to do that tomorrow morning
Seven: stove, microwave, small clock sitting on the DVR (DVR numbers too small to see across the room), thermostat, two cars. That's six. Number seven is the first one I set, my wrist watch, set to NIST time via All the others are then set by the wrist watch, which makes all my clocks agree with one another for roughly three minutes, after which each one once again begins doing its own thing. 🙂

