High Heat Pork Butt on the 14.5" WSM


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Larger apple wood chunks buried under lump charcoal, small hickory chunks on top.


Stubb's for the minion.


Almost 8 lb. butt trimmed of outside fat, scored top and bottom (trying for more bark surface) SYD all purpose rub.


All vents open, ran 300 at the lid.
At the 4.5 hour mark the internal was 155, so I foiled, and added some pieces of lump via the door since the fire was getting low.


Temp check after 7 hours.
Time for a rest.


Thought I'd add some foil juices, but when pulled, it was so moist that I didn't.
Only added a few shakes of the SYD rub.



Slaw and beans on the side.


Bottom line, this was really, really good pulled pork.
Not sure scoring the meat did much one way or the other.
Loving the 14.5!!!
No meat probe used, just one in the lid vent for remote temp check.
Probe temp and the WSM therm temp were pretty darn close in readings throughout.
Still had several pieces of lump left after shutting down.

Thanks for stopping by!

here's today's lunch.
pulled pork, baked beans, and slaw burrito.

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That looks fantastic Bob. I've got an 8 lb. butt that I put on this morning at 3:30. Running WSM at 225. If it comes out half as nice as yours I'll be a happy guy!
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scored top and bottom (trying for more bark surface) {SNIP} Bottom line, this was really, really good pulled pork. Not sure scoring the meat did much one way or the other
I bet it was good, looks fantastic. I wonder if the scoring would have to be deeper if not actually sliced through? I do like the idea of more surface area, thus more bark. Will have to try this with maybe some deeper cuts

Excellent cook Bob
You beat me to it Bob. Since Jim did his HH ribs and I've using using my mini for HH chicken I was going to see if I could do a HH PP. Well by looking at yours, yep it will work and work great. Nice cook sir.
Thanks everyone!
added a pic of lunch.
and I meant to mention that the lump/Stubb's combo was giving me a nice thin blue smoke from the get go.
I did not see when you bought 14.5 "WSM:confused:, i am sorry Bob.
Nothin less, this little pretty thing works perfectly for you. Juicy pork butt looks awesome, and that too because of your crisp pictures.
Love yours today's lunch bro!!!
Great looking pulled pork! That's the only way I'll do pork shoulders anymore. Hot and fast!
That really looks fantastic! How is the 14.5 butt cooking experience different from the 18.5?
I'm trying to decide between the two sizes for my first WSM. Pork butts and pork ribs are probably what I'll do the most. But I'd like to learn brisket too...

Any thoughts?

