Heirloom Burgers


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
Alternating wet and dry spells have played havoc with my little tomato patch, but finally got a decent size heirloom for our burger night.

Tots in a skillet, 80/20 patties on a GrillGrate.


Off the blaze, cheese applied.


My daughter gave me the heirloom plants, I think this is called a zebra.




A tomato that tastes like a tomato really sets burgers off.

Rainy day here, hope your Sunday is nice!
Those are some great looking burgers Bob. The grill grates make them look wonderful. I don't like tomatoes, but those are beautiful. Plated pics are the rival of any print add I have seen. The people who do food adds should take lessons from you.
A tomato that tastes like a tomato... Oh I remember the days so long ago. Burger and that tomato look superb.
That looks like Bob's In & Out Burger with fresher ingredients, do you have a drive up window?
Home grown tomatoes are the only way to fly.
I'm tempted to buy a plane ticket to St. Louis and show up on your doorstep begging for one of those burgers. That is one beautiful heirloom tomato, so gorgeous in fact that I think of your burger as tomato slices with a beef patty condiment rather than as a cheeseburger with tomatoes on top. Phenomenal food and photography, as I've come to expect from your posts.
Fantastic looking burgers and tomato. You're making me miss our old (but small) garden plot.
Awesome looking burgers, and fresh tomatoes do take them to a new level. I've got to agree with MR. Ivey, those are great pics!
Thanks so much for the kind comments about the burgers and my photos!

Like many of us are seldom 100% happy with our cooks, I'm never real happy with my pics and always see plenty of room for improvement.
There are several members here who take photos that I feel are much better than mine, and many more that are much better cooks.
>>>There are several members here who take photos that I feel are much better than mine, and many more that are much better cooks.<<<

Not so!
You, sir, are a GREAT part of this fine forum. That's just "flat out" a VERY nice cook. I, too, cook many things on my Grill Grates on the "back side". Much better crust for burgers and, some of my favorites, grilled ground pork with just salt and pepper seasoning. Best hamburger yet...:o

Great post, Bob! Thank you for sharing!

Keep on smokin',
Your top plated picture of the burger sorta looks like the burger is doffing the top of the bun and saying "hey have a look at this".
It looks like a burger that my dad might have made, and his were great too. Forget 5 Guys and those other imposters, lets go to
Bob C's place for burgers.

