Genesis Platinum C

No the 13 bar flavorizer box uses 3 longer burner tubes. They will not fit the Platinum Firebox. The Platinum firebox ony has 5 flavorizer bars with 3 shorter burner tubes.

Does the one with the Maroon lid have 13 flavorizer bars?
No the 13 bar flavorizer box uses 3 longer burner tubes. They will not fit the Platinum Firebox. The Platinum firebox ony has 5 flavorizer bars with 3 shorter burner tubes.

Does the one with the Maroon lid have 13 flavorizer bars?
It does. I'll use it in that box, which just happens to be disassembled to be painted. So the timing couldn't be more perfect.
Roy, it looks great! I admit that if it was me, I might have gone with gray for the hood endcaps since you kept the rest of the gray color scheme the Platinum comes with. That's just a personal opinion. What's very cool is that you have saved a great old Weber and built yourself an almost bullet-proof grill in the process :coolkettle: .
Roy, it looks great! I admit that if it was me, I might have gone with gray for the hood endcaps since you kept the rest of the gray color scheme the Platinum comes with. That's just a personal opinion. What's very cool is that you have saved a great old Weber and built yourself an almost bullet-proof grill in the process :coolkettle: .
Thanks Jon. Yeah, I've gone back and forth on the gray and the black. At one point I thought about changing the control panel to black. That was when I had a badly scratched one. But then Samuel sent me a really nice grey one so now what I'm thinking is to go two tone. I plan to dye the knobs and igniter switch black and, if I can find a large enough pot, the end railings too. Unless the railings clean up really well, in which case they can stay grey.
So Roy are you happy now that you picked up that Platinum?
The Platinum? Hell yes! I'm thinking it was Jon who told me to go pick up the grill, that I wouldn't regret it. But it's possible I'm failing to recognize someone else. There have been so many helpful guys here that I see this project as a collective effort. Could not be more pleased with the way it's turning out.
Yes Roy you have a real gem there!
Thanks Samuel. I think what's most satisfying is that I did all the physical labor myself. My friend can do this sort of thing in his sleep but I'm very much a novice. Was really satisfying to complete each step. To ask questions, get answers, follow directions and build new skills. Biggest thrill of all was learning to sharpen drill bits and then getting good at it (as drilling stainless provided lots of practice). My buddy would up complimenting me on my technique. He didn't provide pointers because I'm using a method that's different from his and he didn't want to confuse me. But he said the bits are turning out really nice, and he was particularly impressed with the small ones, as they're hardest to sharpen.

It's kind of cool that his Weberitis began after I got this grill up and running. He watched me cook on it and realized he wanted one. Now we get together on Sundays to work on the grills together. The rest of the week it's just me, though he's been game to take trips to pick up grills every time I've made the suggestion.
Everything looks good Roy, great job!
Thanks Steve! (Hey, I'm thinking you're the one who told me to go pick up this grill. When I was expressing mixed feelings and saying I was probably going to ignore it. Thanks for helping discern that this one was worth grabbing and restoring.)
Getting closer and closer. Still needs some cleaning of the side tables. Might need advice on how to get them clean. Perhaps if I had a big enough container to immerse them in bleach for an hour or so.

Today, I changed out all four wheels. The small ones are new and they lock, which is a nice feature. Had no problem pulling off the large wheels. Started with application of a bit of heat from a heat gun but ultimately found that it wasn't necessary. Pulled off a bunch of wheels today. From the Platinum, from the 1000 frame I'm breaking down (bit by bit with the help of PBBlast), from one of the grills we picked up the other day. Wanted old style wheels that were in good shape as a starting point.

Here's the Platinum up on a block with the old wheels off:

View attachment 46573View attachment 46574

Bucket just large enough for one wheel at a time:

View attachment 46576

Here they are after soaking for about 30 minutes. Still a bit discolored.

View attachment 46575

Wound up putting them back in for another half hour. The final result was great.

View attachment 46577

Today, the new drip tray and grease catcher arrived.

View attachment 46581

Here I'm holding it on its side. Look at how nicely the whole thing holds together. You experienced fellas have no doubt seen this before. For me, it was a nice surprise.

View attachment 46580

Here's the new tray pushed in part way.

View attachment 46579

And here's the grill with the new tray, new small locking wheels and the bleached old-fashioned large wheels.

View attachment 46578

I have a cover for the tank, thanks as always to a suggestion made here. Just a bit of cleaning left to do and then the tank cover.

Samuel is sending me a set of complimentary burn tubes so I'll probably install them too.

Getting really close. Suggestions on how to clean a bit of rust off the stainless frame and on getting the side trays looking like new would be appreciated. Thanks.
Fine steel wool and any kind of car wax cleans stainless steel up really well. Just wipe the residue off with a micro fiber towel when you're done.
You get it at home depot or wherever. Steel wool is graded 0 to 0000. 0000 being the finest down to 0 which is coarse. It probably doesn't matter as much what grade you use on stainless but make sure you clean it off so you don't get those little flecks of rust later on from the residue.
You get it at home depot or wherever. Steel wool is graded 0 to 0000. 0000 being the finest down to 0 which is coarse. It probably doesn't matter as much what grade you use on stainless but make sure you clean it off so you don't get those little flecks of rust later on from the residue.
Got it. Thanks.

