Fridge getting old.......REALLY old

I wanted to go counter depth and nearly did. But good thing I didn't. Because I have a protrusion on the right that would prevent the fridge from opening fully on that side. So it would require not setting it all the way back. Defeats the purpose. So I elected for standard depth. But thanks to the clean door design (no protrusions) it appears no larger than the smaller piece that it replaced. Very glad I went with the Bespoke
I am so glad it worked out for you. :)
Sounds good. Am pleased with mine.
Costco took out the old fridge and got everything ready to install the new one when they told me we don’t hook em’ up. WHA? So I hooked it up and leveled it. Took all of 5 minutes.

I am curious Larry of how you feel about the new one when you use it. We had ours for 16 years and every thing had a place. Knew right where everything was. New one feels different, sounds (or lack thereof) different, insides are different. 3 days in, everything is getting a new place and I am very happy with it.
Yeah, we've not "settled" into this one. But, I am looking forward to getting this new one all set up, and "dialed" in.
Well it was delivered. Very late. They left only 30 in ago. This was definitely not the positive delivery experience. IMO they were very careless, more interested in finishing fast than "good". Just hoping everything is going to function ok. 🤞 🤞 🤞
Being the last customer of the day always sucks when getting an appliance installed.
My dishwasher installers showed up past dinner time and wanted nothing to do with being there.
They just wanted to go home so they started racking up cost changes.
They wanted me to pay $125 for a new air gap because mine wasn’t brand new or they wouldn’t take any liability.
I’m fine with cost changes when required but I know when I’m getting hosed or am receiving a lesser type of installation.
I ended up just taking the delivery, canceling the install and just doing it myself.
I should have known to refuse the last time slot of the day and will never accept it in the future.
Mine was not supposed to be the last slot. It was scheduled between 1145 and 1345. No one called me or gave me any changes. I finally had to contact Costco.
But s&*t happens and I get that. Believe me I get it. Just keep me informed #1 and don't cop an attitude when you finally here doing the job.
Mine was not supposed to be the last slot. It was scheduled between 1145 and 1345. No one called me or gave me any changes. I finally had to contact Costco.
But s&*t happens and I get that. Believe me I get it. Just keep me informed #1 and don't cop an attitude when you finally here doing the job.
So you're saying it wasn't "White Glove" delivery??
Oh hell no. Far from it. They left razor blades in the street, Renee hound one of their socket wrenches on the driveway, and trash all over the street by our drive. We had a lot of cleaning up to do after they left
I don't know who Costco contracts with for large item delivery service or if it's a nationwide contract or done regionally.
I don't know who Costco contracts with for large item delivery service or if it's a nationwide contract or done regionally.
Yeah, me either. But, night and day difference between the two experiences. The first guys were so good, and thoughtful, and even though Spanish speakers, communicated thoughtfully and did their best to do the job well. They did it so well I tipped the guys $60! But these guys? I think they should give me $60 off on the appliance.
Our 5 year old KA stopped making ice and freezing a week ago. I think the fridge may be not cooling as it should either. Appliance repair person coming Monday, but I suspect there will be a large repair bill. Depending on how much it is, I may say 'screw it' and just get a new LG from Costco. They have some great deals going through 7/11 right now. Thoughts? Recommendations?
Our 5 year old KA stopped making ice and freezing a week ago. I think the fridge may be not cooling as it should either. Appliance repair person coming Monday, but I suspect there will be a large repair bill. Depending on how much it is, I may say 'screw it' and just get a new LG from Costco. They have some great deals going through 7/11 right now. Thoughts? Recommendations?
Believe me those LGs looked great and REALLY were tempting me. But, I still could not get my mind past all the compressor issues. FWIW so far I am extremely happy with the Samsung. I did avoid the one thing on Samsungs that were very trouble prone and I understand still are. The inside the fridge ice maker and water dispenser. I also found it quite interesting their "top of the line models" don't have those things (the Bespoke line). I got the one with the beverage center. No ice inside the fridge. Just a very nice water pitcher that auto fills and a little part to dispense water into a glass/cup/ water bottle what have you.
Ice maker is where it belongs in the freezer.,-White-Glass.product.1644523.html and FWIW for $129 I even bought the Allstate extended warranty through Costco for it. Wife and I are lovin it
Our 5 year old KA stopped making ice and freezing a week ago. I think the fridge may be not cooling as it should either. Appliance repair person coming Monday, but I suspect there will be a large repair bill. Depending on how much it is, I may say 'screw it' and just get a new LG from Costco. They have some great deals going through 7/11 right now. Thoughts? Recommendations?
French door KA? With in-door dispensers?

