Don't stop me now, cause I'm doing high heat Ribs


Michael Richards

TVWBB Emerald Member
After Jim, Bob, and Rich keep backing high heat BB ribs I decided I had to get it off my short list. Planned for today. A little snow was not going to stop me from my first attempt at hot and fast BB ribs so cleaned up the snow and started cooking.
I was signing Queen's "Don't Stop me Now" (kinda to the weather) while making space and starting to prep.
Some nice meaty BB ribs
Homemade rub on, this is the first time I have used my own rub on ribs, have high hopes.
And on with a full chimney of RO chef Select and a nice size piece of hickory for smoke.
At the hour mark and into the foil for a few minutes.
Out of the foil ready to get sauced for the last few minutes.
And off for a painful rest.
And cut.IMG_20210211_180806.jpg
Well we’re waiting... how were they bc they look delicious!
You see we shiver with anticip....
They were fabulous, the texture of the meat from the high heat was like nothing I have had with low and slow. A true bit (right off the bone), tender, but still chewy in the right way. It was like I was eating a different cut of meat then when they are done low and slow, if thats makes any sense.
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So how hot/fast/long was hot and fast?
Full hot Weber chimney of briquettes, 2 zone setup, thermometer was over the fire but it read between 450 and 400 the whole cook. 30 mins then I flipped them for 30 more mins. Then wrapped for 25 mins. Last opened and sauced for 15 mins. A solid 15 min painful wait/rest before I cut.
I’ve got a couple of racks in the freezer... maybe next week turning deeply cold tomorrow for family dinner. I’m suffering from BBQ withdrawal! Have not done a butt since the week before Christmas! Grilled often but, nothing “BIG”!
They were fabulous, the texture of the meat from the high heat was like nothing I have had with low and slow. A true bit (right off the bone), tender, but still chewy in the right way. It was like I was eating a different cut of meat then when they are done low and slow, if thats makes any sense.
I understand what you are saying about the texture. Last time round I went with about 350 degrees cook temp, I just cooked until I got the colour I wanted but it for sure was longer than the 60 minutes you went with. I did notice the firmer texture which I approved of and will be taking a bit further next time. Similar to your set up I would like to try something along those lines. I may try search for those other posts to see for myself.
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You nailed it! Those ribs look fantastic. H&F is the only way I cook BBs anymore. Experimenting with St. Louis spares a little now but they seem to be a little more tricky to time and temps. But each rack gets a little better.
And you didn't let it stop you! Way to show that weather who's boss.(y)
Those look fabulous! I've never tried the hot and fast method, but I certainly see the appeal in this weather.
I'm not familiar with that song, I'll have to look it up.
I understand what you are saying about the texture. Last time round I went with about 350 degrees cook temp, I just cooked until I got the colour I wanted but it for sure was longer than the 60 minutes you went with. I did notice the firmer texture which I approved of and will be taking a bit further next time. Similar to your set up I would like to try something along those lines. I may try search for those other posts to see for myself.
Below are the three post that I used to guide me yesterday in my first attempt. I tried really hard to on over think it or mess with the process, I tried to trust these guys guides. There was great color and a nice bend at the hour mark so I felt comfortable wrapping at that point. The high heat was especially good to create this great crust from the rub which had some brown sugar in it.

So does that heavy duty grate you have on there. Who makes that?
Hey Pat,

In short: Aura outdoor products.

Long explaination: Those are the SS grates and SS base system that also come with two diffuser plates to make up the Aura Kettle Zone Cooking System. This is a pretty new purchase for me. I actually purchased this system because I was looking for a diffuser to do low and slow in the kettle, but what really pushed me over the edge to purchase was the stainless steel grates. I wasn't sure if I would like that the grates were raised higher in the kettle and actually thought I will keep switching back and forth between the original grate and this one. However, I have yet to remove this and have no plans to put the old plated grate back on. I love the SS and I love the hight of the grate. Below is the link to the product and my unboxing post. I have done multiple low and slow and I have been just as impressed with that part of the system as I have been with the SS grates.


