Dog Food Special Steaks


Rich Dahl

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Picked up a couple of bone in New York strip steaks in the dog food section of our local market. Did a quick grill on the E320 and for a side a small baker. We had some leftover Cream Chive Sauce from our tri tip dinner and used that on the steak.
Fast and great tasting simple dinner.

Just SPOG and these tonight




Whoops forgot the Cream Chive Sauce
Great looking steaks Rich. Ok, silly question but why do you call it the dog food section?
Wow, great find in the dog food section. I (we) never have seen anything that good in the dog food section at the local stores around here.
Great looking steaks Rich. Ok, silly question but why do you call it the dog food section?

It's actually a section in the meat department that they put marked down meat that's about to reach it's expiration date. Nothing wrong with it if you're going to use it right away or freeze it. Or as some have said if it's cheap enough I'll feed it to my dog...Hench the dog food section.

