Darned Good Chicken, Hot and Fast


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Well, November 3rd and still no rain. The weather has improved with colder evenings, much better humidity and no wind. Decided to fire up the WSM and JJ. I'm stuck on Chris's Hot and Fast Chicken. Went a little caveman and cooked my potatoes wrapped in foil and buried in the coals. Rounded off with some grilled green beans. Here goes.


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Chicken on, skin side down. Kick'n Chicken Rub.

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Didn't get the char I wanted. Pretty chilly outside but still had good dome temps.

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Ran chicken up to around 175.

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Sauced with Blues Hog Original. These leg quarters were probably the best I've had. Crispy skin and moist meat. Go over to the Bullet and check out Chris's video. Potatoes were excellent! They were in the coals one hour.

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Thanks for looking everyone!
You say you didn't get the "char you wanted", but that chicken looks perfect to me.
Yeah, I gotta say I agree with Jim, Cliff. That's some damned fine looking clucker!

looks great - I need to try the potatoes in foil like that. Chicken looks awesome too. To me, bbq chicken and baked potatoes are a great combo - I've been a big fan of that for a long long time.
What's in the basket, under the beans - some kind of fat?
I was hoping to sneak that by but I knew someone would bust me. Thanks Brad. :D Kidding of course. Trying to do 12 things at once and keep an eye on the MNF score, I dumped the beans in on the shredded parmesan in the bottom of the bowl. Didn't miss the cheese until it was time to toss the beans. Tried to pick most of it out to save for AFTER the hot beans had cooked, but ran out of time and patience. :mad:
Yard bird looks pretty darn guud to me.
Nice cook.
Lets all hope that we get some rain where you live & snow for where I live.
Yard bird looks pretty darn guud to me.
Nice cook.
Lets all hope that we get some rain where you live & snow for where I live.
Thanks Russ. Good hearing from you. I'm glad things are good in your area. I was concerned for you after reading of all those fires in Colorado
Chicken looks perfect to me and a tater in the coals is hard to beat. Sorry to here about the beans, but at least I'm not alone,
We still haven't had a drop of rain but looking good for Saturday and Sunday. If it rains good I'll post a picture of me standing in it with the performer fired up for the first time in six months.
I've done that hot and fast chicken numerous times and never thought about putting potatoes in the coals.

Looks like a delicious cook. I love barbecue yardbird.
Looks great! Hot n Fast chicken is the eway to go! We cook taters like that at camp all the time.

