Rusty James
TVWBB Emerald Member
Not trying to beat a dead horse here by any means, but I accidentally saw this interview today, and it sums up what I was trying to say. The interview is two weeks old, but the message is still relevant.
<Video deleted>
Note from Moderator: I've watched this Dr. Drew video several times. It supports Rusty's contention that the media sometimes overhypes stories like the coronavirus and that we should listen closely to the CDC, Dr. Anthony Fauci, etc. more so than media figures. However, it was broadcast on February 3, 2020 -- over 7 weeks ago -- and contains information that has been eclipsed by actual events and therefore contains many inaccuracies. It also includes opinions that, to the best of my understanding, are inconsistent with accurate information from the CDC, Dr. Fauci, etc. And at one point, Drew blasts the media using a politically-charged term that I would not allow in forum discussion per our rules. I don't like to delete forum content, I don't do it lightly or without a lot of thought, but for these reasons I've decided to delete the link to this video.
Many pardons for the date inaccuracy. I looked at the video twice before posting a link, but the date I saw was much more recent until I reviwed the video for a third time. His advice, however, is spot-on.
A bit of good news here...

Dr. Fauci: Coronavirus death rate like very bad flu * WorldNetDaily * by Art Moore
Dr. Anthony Fauci co-authored an article in the New England Journal of Medicine predicting the fatality rate for the coronavirus will turn out to be no worse than that of a "severe seasonal influenza."

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