BroilMaster P3 Restore

I have done a few BroilMaster restores, and I have several in my mountain of unstarted projects. They are very good grills, can get fiercely hot but also do split-zone low and slow like a PK charcoal grill. They are relatively simple grills and are easier to reassemble. I think the most problematic aspect is the igniter. Various designs. As long as you have all the important parts, I think you have a great candidate. I agree with Joe and Bruce about restoring the grates, if you are up for the effort. You might search eBay and FB Marketplace, because it is not unheard of for NIB grate sets to be offered at decent prices. Just be sure to note which body size you have.



Thanks for the tips! Can I ask, what type of paint did you use on that one in the pics with the wooden handle? I really like that sheen as it’s not flat black, bit figure out if that’s a satin finish or a semi-gloss finish, or neither?!
I have done a few BroilMaster restores, and I have several in my mountain of unstarted projects. They are very good grills, can get fiercely hot but also do split-zone low and slow like a PK charcoal grill. They are relatively simple grills and are easier to reassemble. I think the most problematic aspect is the igniter. Various designs. As long as you have all the important parts, I think you have a great candidate. I agree with Joe and Bruce about restoring the grates, if you are up for the effort. You might search eBay and FB Marketplace, because it is not unheard of for NIB grate sets to be offered at decent prices. Just be sure to note which body size you have.

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I would add the casters as problematic too Jon.
Thanks for the tips! Can I ask, what type of paint did you use on that one in the pics with the wooden handle? I really like that sheen as it’s not flat black, bit figure out if that’s a satin finish or a semi-gloss finish, or neither?!
Yes, I used Krylon's old black grill paint. It was my absolute favorite for the reasons you mention. Unfortunately, they don't seem to make it any longer.

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Unfortunately, after setting up a Sherwin Williams online account, I found that the Krylon Special Purpose High Heat is not available for delivery to any Sherwin Williams within 60 miles of me :( . I was ready to buy 6 or 8. It IS really good paint, better than their "Max" (which isn't bad) that you can get at Lowes, etc.
Have you thought about forgoing spray cans and doing what I have been doing a lot lately (small spray gun and mix your own)?
Actually, Larry, I wound up getting a compressor to do all the house trim work I have lined up. I took your recommendation and have started getting the spray gun equipment. I need some time to understand it all and see what else I may need. Time is scarce for me. The other big thing is that I am not sure of what high heat paint can be bought by the quart, or even larger, to utilize this method and where to get it.

Maybe some others here can chime in?

I would love to line up a bunch of my Genesis frames sanded and rust-treated and then mass produce a whole bunch in one spray session. From what you have said, I am sure it would go on much easier and better than with rattle cans!
I have been happy with the gravity feed gun from Hazard Fraught. Darn good gun for the $30 range. My next one is I am going to get the little "touch up" gravity feed gun there. IIRC it's like $13 or so. Perfect size for much of what I do, easier to use than suction feed as well. Nice thing too those little HVLP don't need as much air. And yeah not only much more consistent than rattle cans but WAY easier on your hands. Better control, and better finish as well. I am still kicking myself that on that last mixer I had to refinish I did not just go buy that spray gun and be done with it
I did my Broilmaster in Stovebright Charcoal. It was a fairly good match for the original color and kind of had metal flakes in it. It was a great color for a grill.

Thanks for these awesome pics! Did you use Stove Bright High Heat or Stove Bright BBQ paint? I’m trying to understand the differences between the two products. Thanks in advance.
Jon, I beleive the High heat flat is available in quart and gallon, not sure about the Ultra though.

That is a big number but Bruce linked a gallon I think from this site a gallon is a lot cheaper but no idea about shipping. A quart is actually cheaper from HD.


