Barb Did it Again, Stuffed Burgers and Onion Rings


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Barb made stuffed burgers and her onion rings for me on Father’s Day. She used a new burger press that I saw on Cliffs thread and like it so much I ordered one. Here’s Cliffs thread.
For under $10 including shipping it was well worth it. Makes a perfectly sealed well shaped burger and would be great for using different stuffing for different tastes as the stuffing isn’t mixed in with the meat.
The stuffing in these was jalapenos, cream cheese with chives and onion.
The meat was mixed with garlic salt, lemon pepper, pepper and paprika. Topped with pepper jack, lettuce and tomato and guacamole on an onion roll.
Barb did really good on this one.






Have a great week everyone.
Dang Barb, those look awesome. Be careful, someone could throw out a jaw trying to eat those mile high burgers.
I was thinking I might need to do the snake thing and disjoint my jaws to get my face around the burgers!
And I will state unequivocally that the onion rings look as good as the finest I have ever seen. One problem, they are not here foe me to enjoy!

