Cliff Bartlett
R.I.P. 5/17/2021
Haven't done a cook for several weeks now due to the horrible fire conditions here on the west coast. We just got through our second safety power outage in one week. I decided to stick my toe in the water and do a simple, easy little cook. I grilled up some brats and finished them off in a beer bath along with some peppers. I screwed up a bit with my charcoal management. I always use chimney starters and spread the coals out to my liking, but didn't feel right with the spark shower from the chimney to the grill grate and then knocking the coals around to my liking. Used my Weber charcoal baskets and simply lit them with the propane assist on my performer. Too much charcoal, too much heat. Anyway, they tasted great. Sided them up with a little potato salad.
The basic stuff. Pretty much what we had in the house and fridge.

These brats were best I've ever had. Nothing fancy, just Original Johnsonville Brats and a good old Weber recipe. Tasted so good after 29 hours without power and a nail biting sustained wind of 30 mph and higher with 8-9 percent humidity. There were four fires around us, three of which they suspect as arson, but Cal Fire and others, including helicopter and fixed wing bombers were able to get the fires in check and under a thousand acres. Damn, I wish we'd get some rain. Thanks for looking everyone.
The basic stuff. Pretty much what we had in the house and fridge.

These brats were best I've ever had. Nothing fancy, just Original Johnsonville Brats and a good old Weber recipe. Tasted so good after 29 hours without power and a nail biting sustained wind of 30 mph and higher with 8-9 percent humidity. There were four fires around us, three of which they suspect as arson, but Cal Fire and others, including helicopter and fixed wing bombers were able to get the fires in check and under a thousand acres. Damn, I wish we'd get some rain. Thanks for looking everyone.
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