Attitude on Weber Summit Charcoal Grill pricing


Which of these statements describe your feelings about the PRICING of Weber SCGs?

  • The Summit Charcoal Grill is priced fairly.

    Votes: 18 7.1%
  • The Summit Charcoal Grill is priced too high.

    Votes: 161 63.9%
  • The Summit Charcoal Grilling Center is priced fairly.

    Votes: 14 5.6%
  • The Summit Charcoal Grilling Center is priced too high.

    Votes: 158 62.7%
  • I intend to buy one of these grills in the next 12 months.

    Votes: 10 4.0%
  • I aspire to buy one of these grills someday.

    Votes: 71 28.2%
  • I have no interest in ever buying one of these grills.

    Votes: 42 16.7%
  • I would buy a Weber charcoal grill at these prices if it had more/better features.

    Votes: 18 7.1%
  • I would buy a charcoal grill at these prices, but not a Weber.

    Votes: 5 2.0%
  • I would never buy ANY brand of charcoal grill at these prices.

    Votes: 76 30.2%

  • Total voters
Not a lot I can add to all the great posts but I will chime in. While I can afford the grill and my wife would be totally indifferent despite the fact that I now have 9 grills and smokers, I really don't have any interest in buying this grill. I'm not looking for one do it all grill, frankly, one can't do it all. I like having an assortment to choose from, and it has been fun researching and buying each one of them. So, do I consider it too expensive...yes, but I also understand what a previous poster said, they are looking for a different segment. It is the segment who buys bge and yeti coolers. I'm still amazed at how much money people are willing to spend on a cooler, often citing it can hold ice for 5 days. Well, my igloo five day cooler does too and it cost $30 when I bought it ten years ago. Yeti cups are another example but at a different price point but $40 for a cup? Seems crazy but the stores can't keep them in stock.

So, there is likely a place for the new summit but they need to carve out this niche and a reputation in this segment bc right now, the bge holds this spot. Anytime someone finds out I'm a grill and bbq enthusiast, 100 percent of the time they ask, do you have a bge. Never has anyone asked, do you have a weber but maybe in time, they can develop a cult like following in the high end segment but it can be hard to have value products and super premium.
I do not see the justification for the pricing on this grill. I'll do the same thing I did when I bought my performers. wait for one to show up on craigslist.
I do not see the justification for the pricing on this grill. I'll do the same thing I did when I bought my performers. wait for one to show up on craigslist.

Its all about the quality and upgrades.

Like the weber smokey mountain $299
Or the brinkmann smoker $40

People that buy and use the brinkmann will say they can do quality BBQ on it and will say the wsm is too expensive.
Its all about the quality and upgrades.

Like the weber smokey mountain $299
Or the brinkmann smoker $40

People that buy and use the brinkmann will say they can do quality BBQ on it and will say the wsm is too expensive.

I think it's more than that. I think that there is a bit of sticker shock for folks who are used to paying $300/$400 for "top end" Weber products when they see the "entry level" price of the Summit at $1500. I know that was my initial reaction. However once I realized that the Summit is really a kamado style cooker (as opposed to a kettle or bullet smoker), the price makes a lot more sense. Why? Because you should be comparing the cost to that of the BGE, the Kamodo Kamado, etc. and not to that of a Performer kettle (or even the sum total of a performer and a WSM). Having said that, the price point of the Summit exceeds what I am willing (or can afford) to spend at this point in time... and there is also the fact that I'm not in the market right now.

If I were to add to my Weber collection right now I'd probably go for a performer or another 22" OTG (or whatever they are calling them these days). The two kettles and WSM I currently have give me enough flexibility to smoke and grill simultaneously should the need arise, however I can see the advantages the additional cooking surface of a second 22" OTG over the 18" OTG. Though I still prefer the 18" over the 22" for searing steaks over direct heat. The proximity of the coals to food makes it much more efficient in my opinion.
I was also surprised by the price when it was introduced. After seeing one in person and doing research, I thought the price was competitive, if not better than comparable cookers. I have been cooking on one type or another weber for about 35 years and the WSCG is hands down the best, most versitale machine I have used. I will be keeping and using all my other grills because I cook for semi-large (10-15) groups often, but the summit works great for quick weeknight cooks for 2, and has the capacity for weekend parties.

Hey Brian, can't wait to see you back on tour with Angus and the boys!
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Just because it "looks" lie a Big Green Egg doesn't mean it is. It's not ceramic. It's just like a Weber Kettle with a BGE shape. Get real Weber!
Although Weber's basic products are awesome - it seems like they have become greedy with the pricing of new grills and accessories.
Great post and I agree with what you said about who they are targeting! But I want one even thought I don't need it.
Just because it "looks" lie a Big Green Egg doesn't mean it is. It's not ceramic. It's just like a Weber Kettle with a BGE shape. Get real Weber!

True, it's not ceramic, which is one of the big reasons why I purchased it. Ceramic is fragile, heavy, and is a poor insulator compare to air.

False, it's not just a Weber Kettle with a BGE shape, I know this first hand. It doesn't behave at all like a kettle with regards to temperature control or thermal efficiency.

The value proposition is it smokes way better than a WSM, and is comparable in performance to the BGE XL in its cooking area, ability to control temps, and thermal/fuel efficiency. It also grills better than the kettle, and gets the proximity of the radiant heat source closer to the meat than the BGE XL.

If charging prices less than the equivalent setup on a BGE XL is getting greedy, what do you think of the company that offers a product made from clay and sand by low wage workers in Mexico?
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I have a Large BGE and a Performer, and a Smokey Joe. Including the table for the BGE, and all the extra crap I've bought for it over the years, (pizza stones, adjustable racks, cast iron griddles, etc) I'm probably at about the same as a Summit Grilling Center.

While I think the Summit Grilling Center is fairly priced, I also think it is clearly not the best value out there. At the most basic level, I have three grates to work with, all of which can be doing different things at the same time. As great as the SGC is, it won't slow cook a brisket while it's searing steaks.

On the other hand, anyone who is considering moving from basic equipment to elite has to consider this product. If I didn't have a kamado I would be seriously interested in the SGC.
Out of my price range,I am building a pull behind pit and will have less than $400 in it when I am done,no I cant run it on 10lbs of charcoal for 12 hrs but I can put 300-600 lbs of meat on it and feed a small army :) ,If I had no other grills or smokers and was just getting started this would be a great start,however I have 3 Webber grills and a large gas smoker plus a collection of other cooking gadgets including a electric smoker that works great,any body had smoked potato salad? you need to try it is all I'm saying about that :) . At my age another grill or gadget may cause a stroke or some artery to get clogged up faster lmao,I.m glad some folks can afford 1 but unless I can remember to buy a lottery ticket my wife aint about to let me spend that much
I'd like to own one but I've used an original Weber Kettle for so long now that I'd like to think I have it down to a bit of a science for what I enjoy cooking. With that said, I still believe I have a ton to learn if I want to get out of my comfort zone and explore methods and foods I haven't done before. I'm also one of many people who have a WSM which I'm learning to use and quite frankly falling in love with.
As far as price points are concerned, I wouldn't have bought my new 22.5 WSM for the $426.00 after tax retail price in my area. My youngest son gets an employee discount where he works. I walked out paying $265.00 after tax for it so that was my price point that I felt good about paying for the 22.5 WSM. They don't carry the new Summit yet but when they do I'll have to think long and hard about what I'm willing to pay. I do have some disposable income but work overtime to earn it.
Another concerning thing about the new Summit is, Will it make me a better cook and will I put out a better product? It's my belief that with Weber equipment I already have at my disposal the answer should be no. With that said I don't know if it's worth the money. If I was a young guy starting out then heck yes I'd snap one up as my one and only. Like someone posted, it's for the person looking to step up into the higher end of grills.
Will the WSCG make better food than the combination of a Weber Kettle and WSM? No, and I cook on all three. What I like about the WSCG is:
1) One device can smoke like the WSM and grill like a kettle
2)Temperature control is way easier than either the Kettle or the WSM
3) Significantly more grilling real estate than on the 22"

If you find thoes three advantages compelling, then this might be the new grill/smoker for you. If not, know that what you can produce on your kettle / WSM combo can be as good as anything produced on the WSCG.
Weber will have to see "what the market will bear".

In the case of WSM, that retail pricing is not being borne.
One retailer, Walmart, is getting those slow movers off of their floors.

My local hardware store rolls out the same WSM's year after year.
The itch is powerful wanting to purchase this SGC. Price is higher than I would like to pay for the first years release knowing minor changes will take place.
First time post--I agree its a load of money. I dont consider my self wealthy by any means. But we have everything we need and a lot of things we want. Well Im a huge weber fan and outdoor cooking enthusiast. I got wind of this last spring and have been lusting ever since. Ive saved up, forgone any gifts this past year..birthday, xmas etc and whenever we start to thaw out in northern MN Ill buy it.

I own a genesis, kettle and an electric smoker. This grill has a spot in my grilling life and between this and other similar style cookers I choose this. Im sure I can do everything this the WSC can do in a cheaper way or on what I have already, but so be it. Im fired up and can't wait to buy it. Now I couldnt justify the table so Ill be getting the grill alone. Thanks-looking forward to hanging around this forum
My wife got me a Yeti 30 oz SS tumbler for Fathers Day last year; it cost $40. Walmart sells an identical tumbler made in the same factory overseas for less than $10, yet people still buy the Yeti cups because of perceived value. People who think manufacturing costs for the WSCG don't justify the price are missing the point. Weber saw a market for this product at this price. That market does not include me. The WSCG is a quality product and I would love to have one, but not at this price.
I love Weber and their products (at least the ones made in the USA) but if I were to spend $2K on a "charcoal, pellet, wood, etc type BBQ" Weber doesn't have one yet that I would be willing to shell out $2K - If I had $2K to spend right now on a BBQ, I'd probably get one of those oval (not round) Primo Ceramic grills. There's one in a cart, with shelves that's right up my ally. Too bad I'm doing bathrooms, & kitchen. Those projects are biting into my BBQ hobby budget :)

