Not a lot I can add to all the great posts but I will chime in. While I can afford the grill and my wife would be totally indifferent despite the fact that I now have 9 grills and smokers, I really don't have any interest in buying this grill. I'm not looking for one do it all grill, frankly, one can't do it all. I like having an assortment to choose from, and it has been fun researching and buying each one of them. So, do I consider it too expensive...yes, but I also understand what a previous poster said, they are looking for a different segment. It is the segment who buys bge and yeti coolers. I'm still amazed at how much money people are willing to spend on a cooler, often citing it can hold ice for 5 days. Well, my igloo five day cooler does too and it cost $30 when I bought it ten years ago. Yeti cups are another example but at a different price point but $40 for a cup? Seems crazy but the stores can't keep them in stock.
So, there is likely a place for the new summit but they need to carve out this niche and a reputation in this segment bc right now, the bge holds this spot. Anytime someone finds out I'm a grill and bbq enthusiast, 100 percent of the time they ask, do you have a bge. Never has anyone asked, do you have a weber but maybe in time, they can develop a cult like following in the high end segment but it can be hard to have value products and super premium.
So, there is likely a place for the new summit but they need to carve out this niche and a reputation in this segment bc right now, the bge holds this spot. Anytime someone finds out I'm a grill and bbq enthusiast, 100 percent of the time they ask, do you have a bge. Never has anyone asked, do you have a weber but maybe in time, they can develop a cult like following in the high end segment but it can be hard to have value products and super premium.