and here we thought it was called the Minion method


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
In Steven Raichlen's first episode of Project Smoke, he loads a barrel cooker with unlit charcoal.
Then dumps lit on top stating "this technique is called top down ignition"
Sorry Steven, Jim Minion first gave us this technique, so I'll continue to call it the Minion method. :)
Probably so people new to the method would refer to it as being "devised" by S.R. hence his name is more out there.
Raichlen is a great ambassador of BBQ and he was the one who opened my eyes to indirect cooking back in like 1998, so I give respect. Sometimes his recipes are a little unrefined but he's constantly putting out global BBQ cuisine with pretty solid technique.

He's a bit of a self-promoter but I think that goes with the job.

The minion method is a little more nuanced than just dumping coals on top of other coals.
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Sorry Steven, Jim Minion first gave us this technique, so I'll continue to call it the Minion method. :)
Did you stop to consider that Mr. Raichlen may have discovered or developed his technique long before Mr. Minion ever posted his method on the internet? Besides, from your description, Steve and Jim's method seem very similar in concept but not exactly the same?

Either way, call it what ever you like but I wouldn't jump to the assumption that one person is trying to take credit for some other person's work unless you have some way of knowing that to be true.
Ease up folks, I like SR too, have some of his books and watch his shows.
Certainly didn't mean to disrespect the guy, or claim he was acting like he invented the method.
Had never seen him use or mention this method before that's all.

Dave, please explain how the Minion method differs from dumping lit coals on unlit coals, maybe I haven't been doing it right.
I truly do not want to sound sarcastic with that question.
Isn't the minion method specific to dumping only a few or a dozen lit coals, and managing your vents to catch temperatures on the way up?

I consider a minion start different from dumping a full chimney of lit at the beginning.
I'd have to check again, I have the show recorded, but think he only used maybe half a chimney, then raked them around the top.
Pretty much what I do.
edit, checked, he did use half a chimney and did not rake.
Isn't the minion method specific to dumping only a few or a dozen lit coals, and managing your vents to catch temperatures on the way up? I consider a minion start different from dumping a full chimney of lit at the beginning.
To quote Jim:

I was cooking in a competition, and on the morning of the turn-ins I had my wife go to a shop and pick up my first WSM. I put it together, filled the ring with charcoal, and needed a way to light if off. I never did read the directions. I decided to do what is today call 'The Method'.

"We took a 1st in chicken and 2nd in ribs that day. I got home and was reading Ray's forum and the question was asked on how to control the temps on a WSM. I answered, and the rest is history.

"The only real debate was the fact that you were putting unburnt charcoal in the ring and it was lighting off as you go. Knowing a little about Jedmasters, I knew this was not really a problem and the results answered that."

- The history of the Minion Method, as told by
Jim Minion to The Virtual Weber Bulletin Board

Jim used hang around here and if he still did, he'd probably be the first to say "don't over think it, simply dump a load of lit coals on unlit coals." Granted, many ways have spawned from "the method" but the bottom line: The first time it was done and documented, it was done without a lot of thought, in the heat of the moment (pun intended)
It's called re-branding.
"Top Down Ignition" just reads sexy.
"Minion Method" seems so churchy.
What are you gonna do?
See , what I do is I put a can inside the unlit pile....then I dump some lit briquettes in the can....then I (get this) ....I pull the can out with a pair of the fire burns outward....igniting the rest of the briquettes graaaaaadually.
I call this "inside out ignition"
pretty cool huh? :cool::cool:
See , what I do is I put a can inside the unlit pile....then I dump some lit briquettes in the can....then I (get this) ....I pull the can out with a pair of the fire burns outward....igniting the rest of the briquettes graaaaaadually.
I call this "inside out ignition"
pretty cool huh? :cool::cool:

price & shipping to 92025?
Just gotta get one of those.
Utube vid?
I was using the technique long before I knew it had a name. Since we've been calling it the Minion Method for some years now, Mr. Raichlen can take his carpet-bagging "top down ignition" back where he came from. Mr. Minion popularized "the method" so he gets to take the credit. What's next, is Steven going to rename marinade ("this is called the 'soak it in spicy liquid' method")?
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Hey, maybe Chris can get a minion on the next Smoke Day shirts.

folks may not know this.... but I INVENTED the method.
I called it (and still do) the "light my fire" method.

price & shipping to 92025?
Just gotta get one of those.
Utube vid?

uh , well , my youtube vid is still in production , but I can let you have one of my "uncle frank's bean can charcoal " ignition system prototypes for $29.95 plus $30.00 S&H
BUT WAIT ! if you act right away we will send yo TWO kits for the same low price ! plus a ginsu knife that will cut a rock in half. :cool:

