and here we thought it was called the Minion method

uh , well , my youtube vid is still in production , but I can let you have one of my "uncle frank's bean can charcoal " ignition system prototypes for $29.95 plus $30.00 S&H
BUT WAIT ! if you act right away we will send yo TWO kits for the same low price ! plus a ginsu knife that will cut a rock in half. :cool:

uh , well , my youtube vid is still in production , but I can let you have one of my "uncle frank's bean can charcoal " ignition system prototypes for $29.95 plus $30.00 S&H
BUT WAIT ! if you act right away we will send yo TWO kits for the same low price ! plus a ginsu knife that will cut a rock in half. :cool:

Does that feature the "inside out ignition"? That's what I really want.
You aren't trying the bait & switch on me, are you?
I use a technique I came up with many years ago before I bought a Weber chimney. I fill the ring with unlit charcoal and then I hold a single briquette between my thumb and first finger and light it. Once it gets grayed over I place it on top of the unlit and wait for the WSM to reach 225 degrees. I call this the burn your fingers and wait all day method and I am pretty sure I invented this method.

