A Not So Happy St Patricks Day

When I arrived at work Thursday 3/17 my manager was in the conference room.


Not a good sign.

I asked what he was doing there and he said he was there to talk to me, and that he wasn't bearing good news.

He informed me that the company was going through a "Reduction In Force" and that my employment of 9+ years was being terminated as of March 24, but that I did not need to bother with coming in anymore.

He covered my severance package with me, had me turn in my keys, cell phone, company credit card, ID badge, etc...

I called my wife to let her know I was unemployed (which was met with total disbelief) and then cleaned out my cubicle of my personal belongings, gave my manager some information regarding PBX and voice mail system access, moved work files to a share drive so my peers could get to them, deleted personal stuff, sent a farewell e-mail to some of my coworkers and by 10:30am I was out the door.

So, at 52 years old, after 32 years in the telecommunications industry I get to start over.

I am not sure what I will do or where I will end up, but as a man of faith I know this is all in His plan and he has something "bigger" prepared for me.

Your prayers are coveted and appreciated.
Think positive and keep your head up. I was in a similar situation, and it took awhile ( In my line of work) but finally landed a gig that I love.
Hang tight and good thoughts!

Clark, so sorry to hear that. I also was in the telecommunications industry for 38 years as a Central office supervisor and then an engineer designing building additions for Pacific Bell and SBC when the bought Pac Bell out.
I saw so many folks with a lot of years being let go, it was truly heart breaking when SBC took over and they brought their own people in. I lost a lot of friends I made over the years and finally said enough and retired at 56 years old.
I got contract work with a few company's doing installation work for SBC. That got me by until I reached SS age. You might want to look into that.
Wishing you the best. After 32 years you certainly have something to offer as far as skills go.
Sad to hear, Clark.

However, I know you'll hit something great, and you will not look back.
My thoughts are of you and my prayers are with you.
Many of us have gone down that road Clark. But know this (and it's something I've come to believe to be true):

When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

Don't dwell on what has happened, only look at all the possibilities that are now possible for you to attain.

Good luck in your new adventure!
Very sorry to hear that news, Clark. I've been there, and know many who have as well. It almost always works out to be a blessing in disguise; with bigger, better things around the corner. Hang in there.
I am very sorry to hear about this situation Clark. Could you post your qualifications as there may be those here that may know someone who could be of help. I also have been in the telecommunications industry and would love to see you find a much better position going forward. I know that God has much better for you in the future. We will be praying for your future.
Bob Ivey
Clark, while it seems like the going is tough right now, the good stuff is right around the corner for you and your family.
Look at it this way you get a chance to reinvent your life, make the best of it.
Sorry to hear about that Clark. If you don't mind relocating, the place to be is Plano Texas. It is rapidly becoming a business mecca
Thanks for the kind words all.
I have a job offer already. Not sure if it's what I want to do now or for the long term, but it is income.
A former co-worker needs some help with his new business venture. He knows I am not desperate, trusts my ability, and accepts my need for flexibility over the next couple of months and realizes I am still looking for the position I really want. I will discuss with the SoDT over the next couple of days.

Sorry for resurrecting an old thread guys, but I wanted to update you on the employment situation.

I have been working for a friend doing cabling jobs (LAN, security cabling). The job has been very physical but fulfilling. It has kept a roof over our heads and food on the table without us having to dip into my severance package.

I interviewed with a major area health care provider two weeks ago and received an offer last Tuesday which was officially accepted a week ago today. Compensation is significantly more than the salary range I gave and considerably more than I was making when I got laid off.

My start date is 12/5 providing I pass the background/drug test etc...

Thanks to everyone here who passed along words of wisdom, encouragement, or even helped directly.

