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  1. P

    winter smoking

    I'm in the middle of New England where fifty degrees is still considred warm on some days, and does not deter me from firin up the WSM. Rain however is harder to deal with than cold weather. If ya been thinkin about now vs. later, my vote goes for 'now' as it'll cost ya more come spring.
  2. P

    Side ribs

    The diagram on the page showing the cross section appears to be a little off kilter in that baby backs have a tighter curl or radius than spares. (spares are straighter) Spares are also less expensive.
  3. P

    Spice usage reference books & sites

    Rene, You have touched on a little pet peeve of mine. Spices add FLAVOR to a dish. Most spice descriptions try to steer you into using a certain spice with a certain dish and TOTALLY NEGLECT how the spice TASTES and in what forms (dried, fresh, ground etc) or suggested quantities. One internet...
  4. P

    Calling all salt experts

    Before my son became an Emeril wannabe, we used to have nothing but regular table salt around the house. After watching too much foodTV, my son started keeping a little bowl of kosher by the stovetop (to do the 'bam' thing with) and defended its existence by saying that the kosher salt had a...
  5. P

    Pork butt hash

    I was at Trader Joes today and they were passing out samples of what I think was labeled 'Shredded Pork' - came in a small white plastic tub. Kinda reminded me of the Maurice's stuff, but it was thicker and probably milder than Maurices. You could probably easily add to the sauce to get it where...
  6. P

    Tell tale sign of faked smoke ring in brisket????

    Ray, I've heard that a smoke ring can be feigned with the use of Tenderquick. I've never messed with the stuff and don't know as I'd ever feel compelled to do so. I've noticed (especially in brisket) that some people get a very pronounced smoke ring to a depth of about 3/16ths of an inch -...
  7. P

    Pork butt hash

    I bet you could probably shred some pulled pork to get it down to a certain size, then toss it in a CROCK POT and let it go at least four more hours on low to achieve the 'fine' shred of the pork hash. (I hate using the term 'fine' shred, and am tempted to call the 'hash' "MUSH".) The...
  8. P

    Pork butt hash

    I visited middle (and southern?) South Carolina a coupla years back and ate at a place called 'Maurice's'. Had a plate of what I suppose could be called hash. Twas a pile of finely shredded pork in a (mustard?) gravy of sorts. I probably ordered 'pulled pork', but was not ready for what I was...
  9. P

    Father's Day Smoke

    I agree with Adam....have everything ready to go such that you can fire up the charcoal as soon as you get home from work. Put the butt on to cook, but plan to stay up an hour or so to be sure the WSM cycles in to the right temp. Seeins as you've only had your WSM for two weeks, I'm assuming you...
  10. P

    Uses for old ash

    I've used it in the past as a de-icer for the sidewalk in front of the house (although I hesitate to use it for the walkway leading to the house door (a tad messy underfoot). The ash blackens when litely wetted, then the ash absorbs heat and drills down thru the ice helping to break it up.
  11. P

    Asian paste? what is it

    I too am slightly amiss when it comes to knowing and understanding Asian pastes. Seems they can be used for everything from a boullion-like soup base to a flavor additive. The pastes themselves seem to be made from similar ingredients but in different proportions depending on what flavor the...
  12. P

    WSM Meltdown

    Don't add water to your fuel pan - you're sure to kick up and float your ash with very little water. Reach into your fuel pile with tongs and move your hottest glowing briquettes to a bucket of water, let them soak for about 5 minutes and return them to the hotspot from where they came.
  13. P

    cleaning WSM

    I know an old coot named Noah that took the cooker with him and his family on an extended cruise and he spoke of storing the cooker on deck with the body upside down to keep the rainwater out.
  14. P

    Citrus-flavored rubs

    Orange zest (fine) seems to be a candidate not to overlook. If you're looking for fresh herbs, try playing around with fresh tarragon leaves (citrus/orange like taste) and fresh sorrel leaves (lemon/citrus taste). Might also look at lemongrass. Have fun !
  15. P

    Curing Time for Smoke Wood

    Fresh (live) wood seems to dry pretty fast when sliced into 2" discs - I like to call em frisbees. This year, I started using frisbees within two weeks of cutting them from a live tree with no bitter taste - I was totally surprised. The frisbee is the first fuel I load into the fuel ring...
  16. P

    digital thermometer problems?

    I've owned a pyrex and had good luck with it. I have since switched brands, but that is only because the Pyrex was not easy to find. Be careful not to get water into the cable junction at the short leg of the 'L' shaped probe. Wash around it, but don't get water in there. If I remember...
  17. P

    Bulgogi (or kalbi) ribs

    I like Jim Minions first recipe, but would be tempted to use apple juice instead of water (the juice is a non-traditional ingredient, but I'm lookin for a little more 'sweet'..I also like to use DARK brown sugar) I received a similar recipe from a Korean shop owner, and she recommended that the...
  18. P

    Meatloaf Malady

    oooh - forgot to mention...I just did a meatloaf last week and mistakingly pulled it at 152. I was aiming for something closer to 140, but I was doing other things. At 152, it definately came out drier than I intended. (IMO, 170 is too high)
  19. P

    Meatloaf Malady

    I'd probably try slicing it off with a jackknife - hold the knife at an agle like you were peeling an apple.
  20. P

    Where is the wood?

    My guess is that the WSM was 'designed for' use with briquettes as that is the most prolific barbecue fuel available for those not using gas. I know that plenty teams in the Northeast US use briquettes with very good results. I think you are underrating the potential of briquettes (and Kingsford).

