Meatloaf Malady


Charles Howse

TVWBB Wizard
See this thread for the pork problems.
Here's the rest of the story...
It was windy enough that I had to get out the wind break. That's the thing that worked!

I made the mistake of dumping the chimney before I had the ring installed!
Managed to recover from that without too much trouble.

I have a plastic bucket that I keep near the WSM to hold some 'dirty' tools. I left it touching the bottom section of the cooker. It melted the entire side of the bucket and a little stuck to the bottom of my beautiful WSM. Boo Hoo Hoo!!

I need suggestions for cleaning the melted plastic off the WSM, please.

Dinner was very good indeed. I cooked the meatloaf to 170* with a small piece of apple.
Very tasty recipe, and the sauce is great!

We had mashed potatoes, blackeye peas, vine ripened tomatoes, spring onions, rolls, and the girls toasted marshmellows over the embers after I took the upper sections off.

Very good, this one's a keeper!

Glad your meatloaf turned out good, in spite of everything.

My suggestion, and keep in mind i'm no WSM pro...maybe you could heat the cooker up again and just wipe it off (with proper gloves, of course). Maybe no need to even heat the cooker up. Do you have a propane torch, the kind plumbers use? Maybe just heat it up with that and try to wipe/scrape. I'm sure others here will come up with better suggestions, but that's what I'd try.
how thick is it on the bottom? Just a "scuff", or a thick layer melted on.
Go to the H-ware store and get one of those retractable razor knives. The kind you can break away sections when they get dull. You can use single straight razors, but these will let you keep your hand further away from the heat. Next time you heat her up to smoke, put on some good gloves, and scrape it off when it gets soft. Hold it at a good angle so not to scrape the coating hard. I used a razor on my chrome pipes to get boot scuffs off without leaving marks on my bike, should work on the WSM also.
I'd probably try slicing it off with a jackknife - hold the knife at an agle like you were peeling an apple.
oooh - forgot to mention...I just did a meatloaf last week and mistakingly pulled it at 152. I was aiming for something closer to 140, but I was doing other things. At 152, it definately came out drier than I intended. (IMO, 170 is too high)
I'm in Phil's court on this one. The plastic melted once due to the WSM's heat, it'll melt again.


