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  1. G

    Transporting a smoked turkey breast?

    I've got to cook and then transport about an hour as well. Waiting on my sister to tell me what time we're arriving/eating (lunchish) to figure out if I'm going to smoke it that morning or the night before and then just reheat. If I can smoke it that morning, i'll keep it in an aluminum tray and...
  2. G

    Forum favorite brine?

    Had good luck with this one a few times
  3. G

    who has a proven brine they'd like to share?

    This one has been good to me, been using it the past 3 or 4 years.
  4. G

    Bone in Pork Butt questions

    I cooked one for 4th of July to 201F and the thing was falling apart putting it in the pan to go pull it. I guess every piece of meat is different. I typically give the bone a little pull and if it slides out pretty easy, I'm usually satisfied with the product.
  5. G

    My Favorite Commercial BBQ Sauce(s)

    I like a 50/50 mix of Cattleman's and SBR. I also make my own from time to time when I have a chance.
  6. G

    Mayo vs yellow mustard as a binder

    I don't care for Mayo and I've had it on the grilled cheese and can't really tell a difference
  7. G

    Kingsford applewood charcoal

    Good to know. Thanks!
  8. G

    Kingsford applewood charcoal

    Has anybody ever used the Kingsford charcoal with the wood chips "built in" to the charcoal for lack of a better term? I caught a bag on sale a while back and will probably use it this weekend. Was thinking of throwing a little bit of hickory chunks in with it, not a ton, just a little. Does...
  9. G

    Warning about disrespectful posting

    Indeed. Couple of guys owning up to making a poor decision in the heat of a passionate discussion. It happens. The best forums are the ones where folks can admit they had a bad moment, and all parties move forward. Really encouraging to see a little of that.
  10. G

    Moving on from Man Cave Meals

    I think I've used her recipe for sauce before, it's pretty good. It's either a sauce or a Turkey brine.
  11. G

    Advantages & Methods of Butcher Paper

    Good stuff, thanks everybody! My father in law has delegated the pork cooking to me for the past 2 or 3 4th of July parties, and I've had no complaints with foil. I'm doing a small birthday party for my wife in a couple of weeks and think I may try the paper with a small crowd and see if it's...
  12. G

    Advantages & Methods of Butcher Paper

    I'm guessing the pork has enough fat content that drying out with the paper isn't really a concern?
  13. G

    Advantages & Methods of Butcher Paper

    I requested and received some of the famous pink butcher paper for Christmas. I'll be smoking a pork shoulder in a couple of weeks and was wondering what are the advantages to wrapping in the pink paper over aluminum foil, if any? Also are there any special methods to use to improve the finished...
  14. G

    Hmmmm ... new season of BBQ Pitmasters ?

    That show got me interested in smoking. I'd love to see a new season.
  15. G

    What you cooking for the Fourth of July Weekend?

    In laws are having their annual 4th of July party this weekend. I'm smoking a pork butt. My father in law is handling the chicken and hot dogs and some ribs and everybody brings sides and deserts. Should be 50 people-ish. I'll build the fire tonight around 10, let the temp get steady, put the...
  16. G

    What wood do you like when smoking turkey?

    I did peach a few years ago and did a brine and spritzed with peach wine. Turned out pretty well. I might do cherry this year if I can find the wood. If not, it'll probably be apple with just a touch of hickory
  17. G

    Turkey shortage coming for Thanksgiving?

    I'll wait another 2 or 3 weeks and they usually go on sale for pretty cheap. I'll get at least 2 and maybe 3. I know we'll cook one at Christmas as well between my family and my wife's. Then maybe have one left over for in the spring. I bought a freezer this year so I'm excited to take advantage...
  18. G

    What is everyone's favorite charcoal?

    I go with Kingsford. Never really tried anything else but I've been happy with what I've got too. Seems to burn pretty well for me.
  19. G

    What's on your grilling and smoking menu for the Fourth of July Weekend?

    My in-laws always do a big 4th of July party and my wife's dad makes pulled pork, ribs, chicken and hot dogs and everybody who shows up brings sides and desserts. He's in his 70s now so I keep waiting on him to ask for some help cooking all that but he keeps saying he's got it. I'm sure he...
  20. G

    Smoked Turkey Breast

    Looks great! I love smoking a turkey breast. You get the great meat without worrying about the legs or wings burning before the breast is done.

