Search results

  1. G

    Lamb chops and lemon potatoes

    A few of my best friends are from Greece ! I worked for the mayor here a lot and he is from Greece We do have a greektown here in downtown Detroit and GREAT food I hardly ever go to Detotit these days ! BUT the best is at a little dive south of Detroit called the Aubur bar And Cafe not cheap...
  2. G

    Lamb chops and lemon potatoes

    Did Lamb chops some lemon potatoes a greek thing ! No Iam not greek :O) but there is a big greek population around us here ! Did a greek merinade of what we think of as greek and what we had on hand it turned out to be very good if I do say so myself ! Had a nice Greek salad type thing and my...
  3. G

    Nice French trimmed lamb chops ?

    I did a merinade with basicly what you listed above ! pics a follow the cook tonight . Thanks
  4. G

    Brisket failure.

    I have had great luck doing it with 2 or 3 butts over brisket . Iam not much of COOK BUT MY BRISKETS HAVE CAME OUT PERFECT ! Not bragging here because I think for me its been dumb luck ! But I would never give up there to good when there right . I think I get the mosture from the butts...
  5. G

    Early temp spike...leave it alone?

    First take a beath and relax !!! Even at 220 it a cook and the temp a come up IF the vents are open and you have enough fuel and air ! ! Doing chicken I might take the lid off a few minutes to raise the temp some for the skin ! If your using water it will react slow IF your using a clay pot...
  6. G

    Smoking brisket this evening... Foil?

    I never foil done a lot a briskets ! Only 3 on the WSM and those have all been butts over brisket ! All have came out moist ! Briskets are IMO the hardsest meat to cook ! You may hit like I have 3 in a row and then miss 3 in a row you just never know ! I go a hr to a lb then start cking the meat...
  7. G

    Nice French trimmed lamb chops ?

    Either or is fine I know they do a marinade here in greektown but would just as soon do a rub .Were open to any iodea !
  8. G

    QVC todays special value

    Ah the CI deal just came today and I will say Iam glad she ordered it ! I will post some pics asap it will be a nice addition to my grilling arsenal using the pieces on the grill for lots a things . Its not polished out CI but it is well made in a rustic kina way . can't wait to season it up...
  9. G

    scored a used Q 300

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gabe Gomez: I cleaned the grates really well. The are rusted to the point where they are separating/splitting apart. Apparently these are porcelain over...
  10. G

    wsm not getting very hot

    With ribs my experiace has been with other smokers and the WSM it has taken me from 4.75 hrs to as along as a tad over 7 . I think personaly every cook has its own time table depending on the meat and cooking temps . I really think the meat has a lot to do with the time to done on anything...
  11. G

    Nice French trimmed lamb chops ?

    We have done them befor but want a kina greek rub thing this time any ideas anyone KEVIN ?? We picked up some really nice ones tonight and Were going to do them Sunday with lemon potatoes a nice greek salad maybe a vegie maybe not ! Normaly the small greek place we get them when we go out its...
  12. G

    Weber still sells a gas kettle in Australia

    iam not in the maarket for one but there is one on CL here in the Detroit metro area for $200.00 he is calling it a collectors item . Last I looked was a couple days ago and it was still there .
  13. G

    My Modest Friday Night Cook

    Nothing modest about that cook it all looks FANTASTIC !
  14. G

    Older Peromer ??

    Thanks no need to worry about the one I looked at it looked ok in the pic on CL but was way to rusted for even my $50.00 . So I passed and come home empty handed . It really looked and sounded good in his AD but up close it was trash . Might a been good for parts thou , The kettel itself was...
  15. G

    Older Peromer ??

    Found a deal on CL on one ! Its a 2002 or 2003 model he says about 7 or 8 yrs old its not the plastic new one .. anything I need to really look at to be sure of what Iam getting as far as were rust hides and what have you ? I got 3 grills and a WSM but not a performer and this one looks in the...
  16. G

    scored a used Q 300

    Great pick up ! I been watching CL here and so far no q's at all have showed up close enough or cheap enough to rate a long trip . I bought a new 100 and luv the thing and don't need a 320 or 300 or even a 200 series but I sure would like to have one at a price And ya I could just go buy one...
  17. G

    Still Confused?

    Yappers lively forsure everyone has there own opinion . Its not as bad as HH or foiling but it is a hot topic . I am like you I enjoy reading the replys ! Besides Iam gona buy a 18 even thou I have a 22 just so I can answer with experiance on both . I love my 22 thou
  18. G

    Sassafrass source?

    Never had any nor have I saw any ! I hope you get a answer I wouldn't mind trying some from what I have read a couple times . I doubt it would replace my apple or hickory but it might be a nice wood !
  19. G

    Nedd some heat but with flavor

    Never bothered with dry mustard ! But I have tried just about every other spice known to man Appreciate the advice gona go down to eastern market and find those peppers or order them off the net , Most likely I can gettem here at a place I know thou . Thanks
  20. G

    after my latest review i doubt i will ever do low/slow ribs again

    Personaly I don't care how dark they get since Iam not cooken for show ! But dark and burned are 2 diffrent things never burned any yet ! But give me time I have burned plenty a stuf on other smokers . I always say there just golden brown thats what my mom use to tell us as kids when she burned...

