Smoking brisket this evening... Foil?



New member
I have a 10lb brisket in the fridge that I trimmed and rubbed this afternoon and am planning to start smoking at 9:00pm so that I can stabilize the WSM temp before going to bed. My last smoke had me up until 3:00am and I was a zombie the next day

I plan on following the midnight brisket cook recipe and am looking for some advice on whether or not to foil once the brisket hits an internal temperature of 165F. The recipe doesn't call for it, but I have read several posts from the experts down south that call for foiling to retain moisture in the brisket (removing foil at 195 and then firming up the bark on the smoker before re-foiling and resting in a cooler)

I like a good bark, but don't want to have the brisket turn out too dry.

Thanks for any advice you guys can offer.

Fred DeGrandis
My .02 would be to foil. If your concern is bark, as you're approaching tender take it out of the foil for the last leg of the cook.
I never foil done a lot a briskets ! Only 3 on the WSM and those have all been butts over brisket ! All have came out moist ! Briskets are IMO the hardsest meat to cook ! You may hit like I have 3 in a row and then miss 3 in a row you just never know ! I go a hr to a lb then start cking the meat for tenderness every 1/2 hr ! Good luck and enjoy !!

Even when you miss you can eat your mistakes
Whenever you get up in the morning I would temp the middle of the flat if less than 175 I would foil till almost tender then unfoil to firm the bark back up!

More than likley if you cook at 240+ it will be over 175 by 4 or 5 am.

Just remember if you hold in foil till eating time to let the residual temp fall off by tenting in foil before you hold in foil or it will over cook and dry out on you!
The bark was almost impossible to cut through and the meat wasn't as tender as I would've liked. The bark was like a brick, although still tasty. I left this on for 16 hrs and took it off when it was 191F internal.

I had to slice this thick as the meat would have fallen apart if I sliced it thin.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by FredDeGrandisJr:
The bark was almost impossible to cut through and the meat wasn't as tender as I would've liked. The bark was like a brick, although still tasty. I left this on for 16 hrs and took it off when it was 191F internal.

I had to slice this thick as the meat would have fallen apart if I sliced it thin. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

What were your cooking temps like? Sixteen hours is a LONG time for a ten pound brisket...way too long.

