Tony C.
TVWBB Wizard
saturday i was sitting home alone since my son who just turned 6 on july 1st was having a sleepover and my wife works from 10am until 9pm on saturdays. around noon i had a desire for ribs and headed out to the store and got 2 racks of spares and ABT fixings. i got home and set up the WSM with blue bag K(leftover from HD memorial day sale) and got a half chimney of K started. while the chimney was getting ready to go i gave the ribs a st louis trim and set the trimmings aside to wrap/freeze for another day. not wanting to take the time to make a rub i rummaged in the cupboard and found enough John Henry pecan rub for both racks. i had a hankering for ribs at noon and by 1:30 they were on the WSM at 275º with 3 big chunks of pecan.
the WSM ran from 275-300º for 3 hours no problem with all the vents wide open. after 3 hours i foiled the ribs(no liquid) and put them in the oven at 275 and put my ABTs on. i had the lid offset to get up to 350 and after an hour they were done. i put both racks of ribs back on the WSM to firm and sauced one rack. after 15 minutes i took them back off and rested under foil for 30 minutes. since i was the only one here and i had ABTs, i barely got 1/2 a rack of the sauced down. they were juicy,pull off the bone tender and smokey good.i food saved the remaining rack and a half. me and my son decided we wanted ribs tonight so i took the unsauced rack and put it in a foil pan with a little chicken/beef broth mixture, foiled and heated in the oven at 400 for 30 minutes, then put them on a cookie sheet and back in the oven for 7 minutes to firm up. i sliced them up and put them on my son's plate and put some sauce(no. 5) on the side. i went about my business because i wasn't hungry after working in the 100º heat all day. so here's where the review came. i was on the computer and my boy came up and hugged me and said "thanks for the best food i have eaten ever. those ribs were juicier than any of the ones you've made so far" i swear those were his exact words. i had tears in my eyes.
but also on another note, i opened a can of bush's southern pit grillin' beans to go with tonights ribs and he said those were the best i've ever made too
. while i do think they are good for out of the can beans, they don't compare to hog-apple beans
the WSM ran from 275-300º for 3 hours no problem with all the vents wide open. after 3 hours i foiled the ribs(no liquid) and put them in the oven at 275 and put my ABTs on. i had the lid offset to get up to 350 and after an hour they were done. i put both racks of ribs back on the WSM to firm and sauced one rack. after 15 minutes i took them back off and rested under foil for 30 minutes. since i was the only one here and i had ABTs, i barely got 1/2 a rack of the sauced down. they were juicy,pull off the bone tender and smokey good.i food saved the remaining rack and a half. me and my son decided we wanted ribs tonight so i took the unsauced rack and put it in a foil pan with a little chicken/beef broth mixture, foiled and heated in the oven at 400 for 30 minutes, then put them on a cookie sheet and back in the oven for 7 minutes to firm up. i sliced them up and put them on my son's plate and put some sauce(no. 5) on the side. i went about my business because i wasn't hungry after working in the 100º heat all day. so here's where the review came. i was on the computer and my boy came up and hugged me and said "thanks for the best food i have eaten ever. those ribs were juicier than any of the ones you've made so far" i swear those were his exact words. i had tears in my eyes.
but also on another note, i opened a can of bush's southern pit grillin' beans to go with tonights ribs and he said those were the best i've ever made too