Whiskey-Mustard Pork Chops with Grilled Apples


Dwain Pannell

TVWBB Hall of Fame
Actually, I used Bourbon. Maker's Mark to be specific. http://www.weber.com/recipes/pork/whiskey-mustard-pork-chops-with-grilled-apples The taste was awesome but I'd double up on it next time. I'd glaze again after grilling.



Well, If I could get this freakin photo to orient right it would look OK. I am about to play frisbie with this laptop.


Well, I don't know what to do. It keeps posting upside down.. To heck with it...
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Whiskey-Mustard Pork Chops with Grilled Apples, now thats what I'm talking about.

Looks tasty Dwain, FIFY.... I think, is this what you wanted your picture too look like?

Dwain that looks fantastic! Your chops look delicious and I love red potatoes. What a great meal. By the way I share frustrations with my computer on a regular basis. Good thing I have teenagers to help Dad out!!
Dwain. You're s'posed to use the MM to marinade the food,…..not yourself. Hence why you got all in a tizz with your last pic. ;)
Nice cook all the same. Looks tasty Mate.
Going to be trying that one it looks fantastic. Chops, potatoes and apples perfect cook.
I'm tellin ya that women of mine can out type me 10-1. Anyways that is a good looking dinner Dwain, and like Barb said going to give that one a try.

