When you see a Weber Performer for $40, you buy it.

Are these units difficult to break down for trunk transport? I'd like to have one but don't have reliable transportation without some disassembly.

Nice find, Andrew!
Are these units difficult to break down for trunk transport? I'd like to have one but don't have reliable transportation without some disassembly.

Nice find, Andrew!

Very easy to break down. I believe it's 16 screws and you might take a pair of pliers to rip one of the axle caps off so that you can remove the axle. You might be able to just kind of pry/coax one off, but much simpler just to rip it off and replace, they cost about $1 or so.

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Heck of a score Andrew !
I got mine for $50 and considered it a steal, and it wasn't in as good condition as yours. Great find.
I got my Crate & Barrel lime green Performer with gas assist for $20 and I felt pretty bad. He wouldn't take any more for it though, he was moving and needed it to go.

These deals are out there, but you have to be vigilant, quick, and willing to travel a bit.
Dang it all. I paid $50.00 for that very same model 3 months ago. I thought I had made a great deal, but now I feel like I was cheated! Maybe I should call the guy back and tell him that he cheated me! Great score on the Performer.
Are these units difficult to break down for trunk transport? I'd like to have one but don't have reliable transportation without some disassembly.

Nice find, Andrew!

They are very easy to break down and fit in a car. I just picked up a Brick Red version of this same Performer last week; my first Weber Kettle ever!! Broke it down at a Costco parking lot in about 30 minutes with 1 screw driver. Like DaveW said. You have to break a hub cap to get the axle off. It's all cake from there. I actually had to break the table along one edge to break it down because some of the screws were entirely stripped. I didn't bring my extractor kit or drill and it was an hour away from my house. I was planning on buying the metal table anyway so i did not care.

I took it home in the back of a VW CC. I called Weber on Thursday to order the table. They threw in free hubcaps, a complete hardware kit and a new Charbin chain (needed for metal table) for free!! I'll just say the $7 shipping covered it :) and they even reduced the price of the table for me. 1st experience with their service department and i'm more than satisfied. All the parts are on the way and I will be completing my 1st minor restore next week!!! I actually just finished dunking my grates in a solution and getting rid of some heavy ash from the inside. I will start the deep cleaning tomorrow morning.
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