What’s the deal with charcoal in 2023??

Last year, I could find 2x20lb bags of kingsford for $18. This year the best deal I can find is 2x16lb of kingsford for $18. The Walmart brand and cowboy isn’t much cheaper. Just 10 years ago, 40lb of kingsford was like $10

How do you guys buy charcoal and not go broke? Any tricks to buy it on sale or something. Where should I look and when?
WalMart stepped it up this Spring and had some good sales on a variety of fuel. I haven’t looked in the last month or so, though.
OK, I was wondering what Weber cookbook to use next. "Charcoal Grilling" pub.2007. THANKS GUYS!!!!!!!! 🥰
Well with our summer charcoal bans and now using the Jumbo Joe and Camp Chef mostly instead of the performer I don't go through much anymore. I'm still going through what I squirreled away 6-7 years ago, even found an unopened bag of Weber briquets. Got over 270 lbs. of various brands and types in the locker to choose from. That should last me at least another 4-5 years.
That's a healthy stash.
I think I'm close with charcoal and pellets to last awhile.
It's like going to the store and first check on meat sales, beer and charcoal.
Looks like Kingsford is in the process of pricing themselves out of the market. Apparently, they think they can price their "Meh" products in line with superior products. Oh well! This is corporate America.
What brand or type of charcoal do you like Joan?
Tim, your talking to the wrong person. That person is trying to get all his tools that are being used outside, inside before this darn storm hits us, and if it does, no grilling for us. :mad: Darn, and I found a real good sounding recipe for the pork chops.
You guys, you don't know how good you have it. Don't move north. At our local Home Depot
we get ONE 18lb bag for $18 (that's $13.60 US). And it NEVER goes on sale, even in the fall before the snow flies.

So this happened...a couple of days ago we were cleaning out the attic area over the garage, prepping stuff to go to a charity yard sale we support. Found lots of good stuff for them, but behind some boxes I found something for me: four 20-lb bags of Kingsford Original! I don't remember when I put them up there; probably 6-8 years ago. Don't remember what I paid, either, but it must have been a good deal for me to squirrel it away like that!

