Welcome to WSM Smoke Day 18 - May 28, 2022

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Chris Allingham

Staff member
wsm-smoke-day-18.jpg2022 marks the 18th year we've celebrated WSM Smoke Day! It was the brainchild of TVWBB member Joel Kiess way back in 2005, and it's a fun way for us to share our enthusiasm for the Weber Smokey Mountain Cooker. If you don't own a WSM, you can still join in the fun, just cook on whatever grill or smoker you've got. (Of course, there's still plenty of time to buy a WSM! ;)) And if you can't cook on May 28, that's OK, just pick another day around that time that works for you.

Make sure to post your Smoke Day plans, menus, recipes, and especially your photos of the big day here on the forum! Or post on social media using the hashtag #wsmsmokeday18. Remember, if you don't post photos, it didn't happen!

Just knowing I can be out smoking, grilling, whatever and not freezing my petunia off will make me a participant.
Looking forward to the warmer weather. :)
Again. It coincides with the unofficial John Wayne birthday celebration here, I suppose I will just need to spend the whole weekend smoking and grilling!
Leg of Lamb will be part of the feasting this year, hassleback mettwurst, poppers, bacon tots, maybe cauliflower, beets, wings the sky is the limit! Duke wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Shirt ordered here! It was the impetus I needed to order the 40th Anniversary shirt too. Really looking forward to that one...
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