Triangle Tip


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Triangle tip... that's what i read (on the internet) it's called...
I call it Monday Dinner.
Seasoned with kosher salt,
tellicherry pepper,
granulated garlic and onion powder
along with a few sprinkles of cayenne pepper for a bite.
Grilled over Basques sugar maple lump charcoal and
some used B&B briquettes with red oak chunks atop...

removed after it hit 128ºF
Liz started with ciabatta rolls just after i sliced it
served on those ciabattas plastered with garlic butter...
sautéed onions, peppers green beans and roasted garlic along with homemade slaw...
...and an ice cold south of the border brewski all on some dumpster dinnerware.
Thanks for swinging by! eet.gif
Looks like a tasty sandwee! We really like those Triangle tips. I here the obtuse make you fat though so you have to watch out!
Beautiful looking triangle tip! They remind me of those triangle hats they wore during the Revolution.

Looks like a tasty sandwee! We really like those Triangle tips. I here the obtuse make you fat though so you have to watch out!
Does that mean the scalene one make you skinny?
Beautiful looking triangle tip! They remind me of those triangle hats they wore during the Revolution.

Does that mean the scalene one make you skinny?
Funny. Makes me regret pulling the trigger on a Pythagorean joke.
That looks fantastic Jim. I'm sure it tasted the same. I have a Triangle Tip in the freezer just waiting for me. Your post may have just moved it up on the menu. Thanks for sharing.
Our favorite cut of beef and yours looks perfect Jim. Used to pick them up in the dog food section of the meat department because nobody here was familiar with TT. Not any more, tons of Californians moved here and they know what they are, so no more marked down TTs for us.

