TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
No it's not. Ask yourself............What is the difference narrow or short? On the E/W style yes the area is "narrow" if using center burner off outside on. If doing front or rear burner only area is MUCH larger. Also the older Genesis is about 22" wide and the area used for a 2 burner indirect cook is about 10". So 10"x22" = 220 Sq in. Ask me it's a HECKUVA lot more space than the n/s configuration. Much more versatile when doing a rotisserie cook also. Frankly IMO when they went with the n/s configuration on such a small grill with only 3 burners I believed (still do) the Weber engineers sold their souls to the devil. Of course now they've sold them to the Chinese (but a different story and argument LOL)