The Humor Thread

Yesterday my wife thought she saw a cockroach in the kitchen. She sprayed everything, unpacked and repacked the cupboards and pantry, wiped everything, vacuumed, disinfected and cleaned thoroughly.
Today I’m putting the cockroach in the bathroom.
Oh, dear gawd.... if I did something like that to my girlfriend *AND* she found it it was me, I can just about guarantee that I'd have a very long hospital stay. Cutting a long story short, when she moved to the Chicago area in 1995, she/we chose a bit poorly, and her apartment turned out to be a roach motel. She spent 1 night there, moved all of her stuff into a locker, bug bombed everything for 2 weeks, and ended up moving into the same apartment complex that I was in (rather more expensive than she was hoping.)

To add insult to injury, a few years later, she had an allergy test done. Yup, she tested positive for a cockroach allergy. I bought her a cockroach hand puppet at a sci-fi convention, and gave it to her on Valentine's Day. :D She still has it.
FOOD for Thought:

It's not the minutes you spend at the table that make you's the seconds!!!!

Leftovers-not enough to save and a little too much to dump;
nothing to do but eat it,
and that's what makes the housewife plump!

Source: Taste of Home mag. 10/93
FOOD for Thought:

It's not the minutes you spend at the table that make you's the seconds!!!!

Leftovers-not enough to save and a little too much to dump;
nothing to do but eat it,
and that's what makes the housewife plump!

Source: Taste of Home mag. 10/93
Now that’s sage advice, and it’s not just a housewife, it’s ME!

