TVWBB Wizard
A man was stranded on an island far from civilization.
One day, a dirty encrusted bottle washed up on shore and when he attempted to clean it, a genie popped out and thanked him for freeing him.
In appreciation, he granted the man one wish.
“I have been here a long time and every day I wished there was a bridge to the mainland that I could walk across to get back home”.
The genie balked- “the amount of engineering, concrete and steel is beyond my capability”.
Please make another wish.
Well said the man, “I have always wanted to know what goes on inside a woman’s mind - can you enlighten me?”
The genie replied- “would you like that bridge to be two lanes or four?”
One day, a dirty encrusted bottle washed up on shore and when he attempted to clean it, a genie popped out and thanked him for freeing him.
In appreciation, he granted the man one wish.
“I have been here a long time and every day I wished there was a bridge to the mainland that I could walk across to get back home”.
The genie balked- “the amount of engineering, concrete and steel is beyond my capability”.
Please make another wish.
Well said the man, “I have always wanted to know what goes on inside a woman’s mind - can you enlighten me?”
The genie replied- “would you like that bridge to be two lanes or four?”