Temperature control


John Neuser

This morning I'm smoking 5# pork shoulder. I've got the 22" WSM smoker, no water in the pan and I'm burning KBB. My temperature keeps rising. When I started this thread it was up to 279 and rising. It is very windy out today. I've got 2 of the three lower vents closed and the third open minimally. The smoker is wrapped in a welding blanket as suggested on this site (Thank you) and I've even closed the top vent a little. Can anyone offer any other suggestions? If there is nothing else I can do I guess I just monitor meat temperature and pull it at about the 190* mark. Thank you
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As for pulling at 190*, it would probably be undercooked. When it hits 195* check for probe tender, in other words, when a probe goes in and it feels like it is going through soft butter. If it doesn't feel like that, wait 30min and try again. When it fells like it is going into soft butter, it is done. Also if it is a bone in butt check how loose the bone is. it should feel very loose. Good luck.
Thanks Bob. 10-4 on the 195*.Will check at that time. . I think I may have started with too many lit baguettes. Temp is now 291* but the rate of rise seems to be slowing down.
I'd remove the blanket and see what happens.
Most folks, as far as I know, only use them in cold weather.
Once you get too much charcoal lit it's really hard to bring the temp down. Make sure you have the lid on right. You can probably close the bottom vents completely (there will still be some air coming in) and the top as much as half way and be ok. You might might have to open it back up once your temp stabilizes. Cooking at that temp isn't that big of a deal, though. You could just roll with it and I'm sure your butt will turn out fine.
Baguettes. That's a good one :rolleyes: Probably too many lit to start . And lose the blanket as well. I only use it in the cold. Oh yeah, these have already been suggested. But they're right so it bears repeating :)

It'll all turn out ok. Lots here are starting to do high heat smokes (like yours turned out to be) with excellent results. Don't worry. It'll be great eating tonite!
Thanks everybody. Was able to stabilize the temperature and then decrease it to 255* and hold it there. Finished off in the oven and then into a small cooler to rest. Turned out great.
I routinely smoke bone in Boston Butts at a target temperature of 275degrees (which means it can be some higher without issue).

I start checking for tenderness at 195 degrees, and generally it is ready to pull at 205 degees or so.

Keep on smokin',
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All the info above information is offering pearls of wisdom! I have had very good results with higher heat as Len says. Just remember, it's a meal, not eternal art.
Sorry, I seem to be a little late to the party!

