Smokey Mountain Chili, Inspired by Big Daddy


John Wheeler

So on possibly the last good weather weekend of the year for our part of town, I decided to do some chili! With a 4:25 start for my beloved Brownies, it made for a perfect Sunday! Here we go...

All the fixins

I took the middle section off my WSM and used the coals direct on the CI

Got busy frying and forgot a meat pic. Here's with everything in the pot waiting for the pulled need to go swimming

All mixed up and headed for some heats

Old faithful ready to go

Started off on bottom grate

Finished on top

Just in time for kick off! Go Browns!

Sorry no presentation pics. The clowns ended up winning on this fine Sunday afternoon. I think my chili helped! Lol.

Thx for looking.
Fantastic Chilli John! I though you did a type-o and meant to write 420 brownies ;)
Good looking boy, he must be adopted :)
The weathers a turning so chili is going to be on the menu soon, thanks for posting your way of cooking chili on the WSM.
If you did it again would you just use the top rack?, and thanks for beating the Raiders.
I would only use the the top rack next time. It was still simmerin' real good on the top rack. I would also run the temps around 250 as well. More time to simmer and horse around. Lol

