Shopping and Social Distancing

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I've been using SHIPT and I'm quite satisfied except that in Alabama they're not allowed to deliver beer or wine. They are almost always able to get exactly what we order and only a few items are out of stock. The delivery people see competent, polite, professional, and enthusiastic. I'm quite happy to NOT be in a grocery store these days. They give me a choice of four major super markets, two pharmacies, and Target.

One local supermarket with a good wine selection is open an hour early for old farts only, so I went in the other day right at the 6 am opening time. I saw one person enter as I was getting out of my cart but I didn't see him again inside the store; i.e. I had the place to myself. I wore a mask and gloves but I did NOT throw the gloves on the ground when I was finished. I bought $700 worth of table wine, a few cases of beer, and I was out of there in a few minutes. The two employees I saw wore masks and gloves. The checker was behind a plexiglass shield. I used a credit card to avoid touching cash.

Bottom line: My wife and I feel pretty comfortable about how we're limiting our exposure.
With all these new rules/regulations, everyone is out of their element, and it will take longer for some to adjust to this than others. Is that frustrating? Of course, but it is what it is..
Well, I needed a couple things that are cheaper at Costco so for the first time since this began I went there. There was a line to get in because they are limiting the number of people inside, but it went fast. I think everything that can be said has already been covered. However I will say I found it nice to be able to get around in an uncrowded store. I think that's the first time that ever happened to me at Costco. It was also nice not having the sample cart's out with people pushing for a free speck of something. I've tried some of the samples before and even bought the stuff because I liked it. Wich is the end goal for those. But mostly don't bother with them because they cause so much congestion around them, and they just clogged paths and isles. After going through the store without them I wouldn't miss it if they never came back. So I guess in conclusion, it was actually a good experience being at Costco with limited numbers being allowed inside. I was pleasantly surprised, witch isn't what I expected when I left to go there.
Jason, I’m glad your experience was a good one, as it seems like every trip to the store is a roll of the dice. One question; (as we here in NC are in our 1st week of limiting the number of customers) while you were standing in line, did they have markers at 6’ increments, or were you able to stand as close as you felt safe?
I think this is the new norm, or what's going on proactive in grocery stores. Convenient, gas stations. quick marts are the ones where it's harder to distance, but the ones around here are doing a good job IME.

Thankfully only Sam's and Wally World are doing that nonsense here. I mean REALLY get off my case. I am old enough to know how to stay clear of people. One thing I am REALLY enjoying though is the absence of the free sample pain in the butts
one of my grocery stores has switched the 2 big doors to one entry and one exit, and have supposedly implemented one-way isles. No going out through the in door!

The store where my parents shop (Larry - it's the Schnucks at CherryVale) has also reconfigured the entryway to specific IN and OUT doors. If they're smart they'll also post "Led Zeppelin is NOT an excuse!" warnings. ;)

I mean REALLY get off my case. I am old enough to know how to stay clear of people.
I'm pretty sure that other people have no problem staying clear of crabby old farts like you.;)
My guess is that the free sample kiosks at Costco will return eventually when restrictions are lifted.

They are a money maker for Costco as they do get customers to buy stuff after sampling it.
Jason, I’m glad your experience was a good one, as it seems like every trip to the store is a roll of the dice. One question; (as we here in NC are in our 1st week of limiting the number of customers) while you were standing in line, did they have markers at 6’ increments, or were you able to stand as close as you felt safe?
Costco had markers on the ground outside for the line, and inside for the checkouts. But I've been to other stores that don't. I think it depends on the store and probably the volume of people they get. And probably the city and county restrictions. One city an hour away from me is now mandating face masks when out in public, while another an hour on the other direction is lifting most restrictions, and starting to return to normal.
I went to the store I griped about earlier in this thread and things were much better today. People observing the 6-foot rule, not blocking the aisles as much, etc. Plus the meat cases were well-stocked at reasonable prices!
Barb went to Costco yesterday after work and said it was not overly busy and the store was well stocked. They have the plexiglass shields up at the registers and the floors marked by the registers at six foot spacing.
She picked up everything we wanted, two gorgeous trays of pork loin chops, a pork belly, two types of coffee and the other item is why I treat her with respect, a 50lb bag of dog food. She is 74 and flings that bag around like it was a bag of potato chips.
Most likely will not renew Sam's Club. Sick of not being able to even get in because of their idiotic "control" methods. Wife tried again this AM upon opening. She said the line of people AFTER the initial bunch was let in extended for about 2 blocks wrapping around the entire building. Costco here OTOH smooth sailing. Just as many if not more people in there, no issues, fairly well stocked even got those sanitizer wipe things, hydrogen peroxide and so on. (no did not hoard bought one package of each), also bought a while NY Strip primal in prime grade. Was only 8.99 lb and so I dropped about $112 on it. I will cut, package, freeze and use as necessary. May go back this week and get a whole prime tenderloin as well. the PISMO version were only running about $95. So I could use the tail portion(s) for adding to burger, or who knows what. Cut the rest into Chateaubriand and steaks, package and freeze. Ordered a small over flow freezer from Sam's though not sure if I will even be able to pick it up. Not sure how their "will call" works. If anyone knows tell me please if you can do will call and get around those stupid lines. Otherwise I will just have to cancel the sale and try something else. I cannot see the point of paying a membership fee and not even being able to get into the store.
I was at Costco about 10:15 and sailed through the place, got everything on the list and was out the door in 20 minutes.
Stopped at the food truck I followed down the street and told him he had a tail light problem, he was very thankful, his ribs would not be ready for another few hours so, I went home and mad some stuffed chicken breasts for lunch.
Vodka, ribeye and salad for dinner!
Anybody been able to buy prime beef at Sam's lately?

I was in the store at 9am sharp, and there was zero prime beef. Considering how slow the restaurant business is, where the heck is the prime beef?

EDIT: The line waiting to enter the store was about 300 feet long.
The newest Costco in the Twin Cities metro was pretty smooth sailing this afternoon, although not a completely successful mission.
Anybody been able to buy prime beef at Sam's lately?

I was in the store at 9am sharp, and there was zero prime beef. Considering how slow the restaurant business is, where the heck is the prime beef?

EDIT: The line waiting to enter the store was about 300 feet long.

I've been finding prime brisket at Sams, and for a great price, $2.78 a pound. But Tuesday, the only prime beef was strip loin.

However, I found some choice rib eye for $9 a pound that suits me just fine. I reverse seared one last night, and me or Mrs Dollar could not tell the diff from prime. They were nice thick rib eye , also, perfect for reverse searing.
Anybody been able to buy prime beef at Sam's lately?

I was in the store at 9am sharp, and there was zero prime beef. Considering how slow the restaurant business is, where the heck is the prime beef?

EDIT: The line waiting to enter the store was about 300 feet long.
My wife went into the Sams in Concord last Monday. She called me at work and asked “what do I need to look for.”
my response; ”Ribs and brisket”
“They only have 1 brisket, and it’s $75!”
”Ribs, you only need to look for ribs!!“
Went to Costco yesterday. No lines in front of store at all. Everything was fully stocked with the exception of the spinach ravioli and breakfast burritos in the frozen food section. It was nice not having the store absolutely packed like usual.

WinCo was fully stocked with the exception of the bulk food section. To say that they've stripped it down is an understatement. Even the containers where you pull down the handles to fill your plastic bag are totally empty. The bulk spices are long gone. For items like sugar, flour, etc. You now can only buy the pre-packed stuff.

I guess for now we'll have to buy most of our spices from Amazon..
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