Seldom Found: Genesis Silver with good bottom

I do not paint the kettle red on the emblem red for I do not have much luck with that. I have tried it before and did not care for it, I just made a mess.
I feel your pain on this as well. I’ve tried painting a couple of the kettle emblems now and both times they looked like a failed elementary school art project. I just don’t think I have the dexterity for finely detailed tasks like that. I’ve tried to figure out an alternate means of doing it with a stamp pad or sponge technique but haven’t yet had an “aha” moment of an idea worthy of putting into execution.
That platinum has the dropsies really bad.
I noticed that when I swapped the shelves on these 2 grills the the Welds on the Platinum shelf are all but gone. I found the drill bits I needed to do the job, but what type and size bolt do I need to complete this repair.
Thanks ahead of time Bruce, I think it is beyond time for me to fix this.

@Samuel Blue Platinum pic 2.jpg
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Just to be clear, are these the connections that you are talking about? (check photos below)
The problem is that the weld has broken on the bracket that goes into the side shelf. The existing bolt is still securing bracket inside the grill frame on the cook box side, but the spot weld on the shelf bracket is broken. So, you need to replace the spot weld. The way I would do that is to drill a hole right where you can see the spot weld was. Drill it all the way through the table support and the bracket inside. You need to ensure the support is aligned perfectly when you do this (maybe a slight bit upwards) so that once you secure it with a bolt, it will be level. The original bolt to the left allows a small amount of adjusting the alignment. You will need a self tapping bolt (Stainless of course) to match the hole size. I would go with a bolt that is the same size as the other bolts on the frame (1/4"). Then just install the bolt. You cant really just get a regular bolt and go straight through both sides of the frame, since that would put a bolt head on the outside of the frame and nut on the inside, as that would interfere with the table top. In the photo below, you can see where I suggest drilling. You will notice my grill is welded so, I didn't need to add the bolt. The welding also makes the original bolt on the left side of the weld unnecessary, but I just left it in anyway. You will need to keep that bolt to secure the table bracket.


There are two burner mounting screws as you know that are only guides and are not suppose to be tightened down. In rehabs what do yall do when you come across one that is broken
I have successfully drilled a hole next to the old screw and inserted a self tapping screw next to it. You burner will be ever so slightly misaligned, but it doesn't matter. If you have access to a welder, you could spot weld a new screw head onto the old nub.
Trying to drill down through the old screw is nearly impossible, but if you can do that, that would be the best solution IMO.
I'm a big fan of the black handled lids myself too.... I did a swap from a flipper grill.
I didn't swap the knobs tho..... I had gotten a brand new set of greys that I didn't want to give away - but those go good with the stainless.
I like it too. I just need to decide what Weber badge I want on it, the one it came with, or another.
I still have the Genesis Silver badge off the old one.
I also have one of those chrome one's you find on a newer performer.
Not sure if the holes match up though. I do not want to be drilling into a perfectly good lid.
I like it too. I just need to decide what Weber badge I want on it, the one it came with, or another.
I still have the Genesis Silver badge off the old one.
I also have one of those chrome one's you find on a newer performer.
Not sure if the holes match up though. I do not want to be drilling into a perfectly good lid.
If the holes line up, the chrome would look good. Otherwise, the other ones are both good looking as well.
It seems to me that I tried to swap out the badges without any luck --- I wanted to keep the 'genesis silver' badge from the original - but the 'weber' badge off of the black handled lid (Spirit model) had different holes..... I was bummed.... for a little while until I got over it.
I think that they made the hole pattern different on the Spirits for that very reason....

