
Yeah you have to be careful of violating the 7 fishes rule. Luigi will hunt you down and make you sleep with those 7 fishes
Let me know if you need any other information on the pork roll, one thing to remember, don’t tie it too tightly, just a nice continuous strain on the twine looping and make sure to get both sides even. The trussing, if you get lucky and it all holds the way it’s supposed to should give you perfect points to slice! I have not done one of those in about a year, maybe time to do another!!
Larry, make sure to leave the tension off the strings until you can get the neck reset, I’ll let you know when I do the roast!
Thank you Tim, I will truss just enough to keep the fillet closed.

I'm looking forward to trying this!

In any event, I am thinking I will spin the pork roast as recommended, and will be happy to post up the results.

Stay tuned!


Tim: I like where you are going, but I'd grab a Costco pork belly (with the loin attached if you can get it), and make a classic Christmas porchetta. Recipes abound on the internet.

Or if you are a rich man, who can say no to a ribeye roast? Or a boneless leg of lamb?

Lots of great ideas! Pork, unfortunately, is not a meat I can make for a regular (non-company) dinner because the wife and girls don't like it for some reason I shall never understand. So the Christmas pork will be the first try for it, but that's OK. I know my side of the family will eat it like they were going to the electric chair.
Well that Hormel pork roast I rotisseried tonight wasn't all that great. Maybe some smoke would have helped. I guess that is what I get for buying a vacuum packed, pre-marinated and seasoned pork roast.

Pork is a great meat and it is sooo much less expensive that beef.
You can always take a belly and tuck a tenderloin inside swathed with all the fun stuff and tie it artfully. I’ve never found a belly with loin attached, but for the best “Porchetta” you need one with skin on for just the perfect crispy treat!
Sorry I didn’t warn you about those nasty prepacked, injected, infected, rejected, over sodium laden Hormel things! Don’t waste good money on them, even if you are in a blazing hurry, they are not worth it.
Agree Tim, you can wrap a belly around a loin, same deal. Also, for the classic Roman porchetta, you definitely need that skin on in order to get some crunchy good cracklings. I actually saw a Vice-Channel TV chef take his porchetta out of the roasting oven and then ladle 350 degree canola oil over it. Dangerous to the Nth degree. I do NOT recommend trying this! But man did it crackle up and look good...

If you have 7 minutes, watch this video of an old school Italian butcher making a whole side porchetta roast. He makes the best porchetta I have ever seen and am hoping to taste it in Rome someday (bucket list)!

Lastly, leftover porchetta on ciabatta bread sandwiches trounce the classic turkey white bread sandwich ten-fold. OK I am headed to Costco now for that BELLY!!!
Larry, I love my Dead Buzzard. But one of these days, it would be nice to try some nice cuts of pork.
OH, OK, then two turkeys but not at the same time. I am doing just one but should have plenty left over for the fridge.
If you get to Rogers City (Northern lower Michigan, Lake Huron side)
Stop at “Scill’s Grill” on M-23, if your lucky they will have the Porchetta sandwich on the menu. I had one last year. And it was the best thing I had eaten all year! It’s a “special” so, you have to be lucky!

